Had a horrible run - please cheer me up!



  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Awww thanks... and you are right, 3.5 miles is not going to be my end point. I KNOW I have went further before and done just fine.
    Have to trick the mind into doing this... and then once you do this you can say I did this once so I know I can do it again.

    3.5 hours until the big 12 miler... I did not sleep well last night. Had all sorts of nightmares about being unable to finish, being hit by a car... LOL! Yes ... its a bit drama'd but I am trying to get into a better mindset today. Its a great day for a run! It just happens to be 6 2 milers... or 3 4 milers... or 4 3 milers...LOL!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    You'll do fine. Just relax. Good luck!!! :drinker:
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Runners of ALL types get runner's anxiety. Especially when they are training for an event. I had a few bad dreams when my 5K was coming up. I had a dream that I was late and couldn't race, which turned out to be true, but it was of no fault of my own. It was my husband's fault. (long story) Anyway, those dreams are normal, and have no say as to wether or not you will succed. Only you control it. I can't wait until tomorrow morning when I can run to start off the New Year! I haven't ran for a week, when I miscarried.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    You can change your shoes at this point. If you think you'll get more than 25 miles in them, I'd say no harm in trying. Keep your other shoes as back up, since they are broken in. How many miles do you have on your shoes? Since you had no problems before, maybe you've hit the expiration on those shoes. A lot of people will tell you that you can get 400-500 miles out of a pair. But I'll tell you, that is diminished for bigger runners. Like 300 is pushing it. Maybe try the Asics line. I see more of them than anything else at races.

    If you've stated getting blisters that you didn't before (btw, Bolega's are my fave!) maybe try double socking. My sis has trouble with blisters, and someone told her to try it. It worked like a charm.

    Worst case scenario, you are walking a little more than you'd like for the half. But either way, you'll complete it. Running or walking. The accomplishment is no less. You heard that right? :) NO LESS!!!!!

    Good point with the "expiration" on the shoes. I am little..ony 5 ft tall but find that I have all kinds of problems around the 300-350 miles mark in my shoes..I log my miles and when I get my shoes...it could be time. I ran in New Balance for years...but was fitted for some Saucony's in MArch. I love them but when the style I had were "upgraded" I got fitted again...the New Balance would have been a great choice but the Saucony were familiar...you can't go wrong with a fitting...and I would say put the insoles back in if the blisters are still a problem...
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member

    Good point with the "expiration" on the shoes. I am little..ony 5 ft tall but find that I have all kinds of problems around the 300-350 miles mark in my shoes..I log my miles and when I get my shoes...it could be time. I ran in New Balance for years...but was fitted for some Saucony's in MArch. I love them but when the style I had were "upgraded" I got fitted again...the New Balance would have been a great choice but the Saucony were familiar...you can't go wrong with a fitting...and I would say put the insoles back in if the blisters are still a problem...

    The insoles are back in the shoes and have been for some time! But I did have a thought -- I changed the shoes but I didnt change the insoles. Now they are supposed to be good for 2 pairs of shoes, but perhaps getting another pair of insoles might help.. who knows!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I had to come and tell of you --- THANK YOU!
    I had my 12 mile run planned for today ... and I was feeling so dang good that we made it a true half marathon and ran 13.1 miles.
    I did it... I survived... I finished... and I did it upright.
    Those were my only goals for the race... and I already accomplished them all ...so I know I will be fine come race day.
    Wow...I think I am going to ride this high for a LOOONG time.
    Because I run slow it took me 3:25 (but my dream finish time was 3:30) so I am happy with it!

    Thanks again!! :)
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    DUDE!!!! I will venture to say that you didn't even WALK a mile before you started this journey. Not with a willingness, anyway. lol Be PROUD of the fact that you even went 13 miles and just finished! Good for you!
  • cavycity
    cavycity Posts: 24 Member
    I had a crappy run today too. I just couldn't find my stride. Reading your post reminded me that I'm not alone! The farthest I've run is 5 miles, you've really inspired me to push my tush! Great work so far, bad days happen, and you rock!! I always call my mom when I have a bad run, and she reminds me that most people don't work out at all! Now when I run, I try to look at the people driving by and say (to myself of course) "well, at least I'm working harder than them!" It sounds mean when I type it out, but it helps keep me going. I hope your next run is better!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    DUDE!!!! I will venture to say that you didn't even WALK a mile before you started this journey. Not with a willingness, anyway. lol Be PROUD of the fact that you even went 13 miles and just finished! Good for you!

    Thanks... and OH ... your wave is adorable on the other thread!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I had a crappy run today too. I just couldn't find my stride. Reading your post reminded me that I'm not alone! The farthest I've run is 5 miles, you've really inspired me to push my tush! Great work so far, bad days happen, and you rock!! I always call my mom when I have a bad run, and she reminds me that most people don't work out at all! Now when I run, I try to look at the people driving by and say (to myself of course) "well, at least I'm working harder than them!" It sounds mean when I type it out, but it helps keep me going. I hope your next run is better!

    My "stride" is at the pace of a snail... but yep we all have crappy runs. And guess what ... we all come back.
    One of my favorite phrases about running I invented...

    The best thing about running is when you have a crappy run ... you cant wait to get back out there and have a better run. And when you have a great run, you cant wait to get back out there and recreate it. Either way, your hooked!

    I agree with your phrase though .... I often think that when I am getting lapped at the YMCA... who cares how slow I am going, because at least I am out there dangit!
  • 4x4n8
    4x4n8 Posts: 29
    I know it sucks to have a bad run, but the main thing is you tried. Having a bad workout is better then no workout and it helps me really appreciate the good work outs! HUGS!! :) If this time really sucked, then hey next time has gotta be great! :)
  • Congrats on getting your groove back. :)
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