Two-Week lurker saying hi

Hi! I've been logging my food here for about two weeks, so I thought it was time to introduce myself.

I'm 27. I'm female. I'm overweight (BMI probably puts me in "obese", but even in high school, when I was much more active and quite healthy I was still in the "overweight" zone. My overall physical health is still pretty good, so I'm not fussing about BMI too much). I've never really tried to lose weight before - I've made vague attempts at eating better by eyeballing it, while working out regularly (something I miss quite a lot, actually, but I have trouble with motivation when I can't afford a gym membership/personal trainer with appointments to keep). My push to start dieting (I am currently calling it "dieting" for reasons that will follow) was my boyfriend. He's struggled A LOT with his weight. He's been obese since childhood (and his brother isn't, nor are his parents, so I suspect something is at work besides just overeating). Before we met about 3 years ago, he had lost quite a lot of weight - he actually weighed less than I did at the time! Slowly but surely, that weight has come back. Some of it is activity level - he hurt his ankle skydiving and then continued to run on it for six months, basically ensuring that it would be messed up for quite a while to come, and he had to quit running. He does still work out, though. Then, well, there's food. He is really, really bad at portion control, at stopping when he's full, at not snacking when he's not hungry. He's been struggling with this for ages, and started attending a therapy group for overeaters. Eventually, his doctors suggested that he go on a medically-monitored VLCD (he's under the supervision of a medical doctor, a psychiatrist, and a nutritionist with bi-weekly check-ins, don't worry).

Where my decision comes in is here - I've gained weight since we've been living together, too, for a lot of reasons.
1) I LOVE TO BAKE. I love it a lot. I'm a good cook and a good baker and while I usually bring the high-calorie stuff to work to spread it around, plenty gets left at home, and we both eat it.
2) I'm a full-time student (graduating in less than a month WOOOOOO! It only took 10 years and a lot of work on my ADD and anxiety, haha.) and work part-time at a job that is often somewhat physically demanding, but also has an extremely variable schedule, and I usually start work before 5 am, and sometimes do overnight shifts. It leaves me exhausted, with very little energy left to cook, so we fell to ordering a LOT of take out.
3) I LOVE SWEETS. Especially ice cream. And when I want it, I often just… buy it. And eat it. Like, eat half a carton. And I do it a lot.
4) My general activity level is down - as I mentioned above, I used to go to the gym and work with a trainer. I never lost much weight, but I gained a lot of strength and muscle and that felt really good. Since my "new" job (3 1/2 years…), it just hasn't been feasible, and even though we have free weights and I know how to use them, the energy/motivation isn't really there. (I also can't really run - I have foot problems (genetic) that make flat-out running or jogging uncomfortable, and then painful. When I went to the gym I stuck to the elliptical and the bike.
So, since I *do* need to get into better shape, and my poor boyfriend is stuck eating food that exclusively comes in powder or bar form, I decided to do some work myself. I placed a self-imposed calorie restriction on myself (1400 kcal/day), which according to MFP's calculations for me at "lightly active" (basically my compromise between days I work and days I don't), puts my weight loss 1.9 lbs/week. This is one of the reasons I am calling this a "diet" - that is probably a little too fast, and I intend to change my goal to more like 1 lb/week once my boyfriend is back on normal food in a couple of months, because part of the reason I am doing this is to support him. I've also cut ice cream and anything like it (fro-yo, sorbet, even non-dairy "ice cream") out of my diet entirely for the first month, pretty much to prove to myself that when I want it, it's just a "want" and not a craving. It's been two weeks without slipping on that! I will let it back in *slowly* later.

So hi, nice to meet everyone! I would love some suggestions for motivation re: workouts, and how to eat well on a crazy schedule (since a secondary goal of my food-logging is to figure out how I eat and what I need and how to get it), and also how to log all the delicious locally-made foods I have that have no nutritional info, like jams and preserves and smoked salmon, so I can eat them before they go bad!


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi.congratulations on starting your journey!
    I admit that I just skimmed your post, but running is not necessary. I've never ran, and I'm doing just fine :-) good luck on your journey! Get a food scale, weigh and measure everything!! You'll learn portion control that way. Don't restrict too much, as treats are fine! Just use moderation!
  • squishycatmew
    squishycatmew Posts: 151 Member
    I've got a food scale already (two, actually - I bought a new one with a detachable bowl just before I started). The running thing is that it's the only real cardio (besides walking) I can do for free right now, and part of my goal is to get active again, both strength training and cardio.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Good. The scale is really important. I also have two, (one with the bowl and then just a regular digital one) you'll do fine without running. I just Dislike running, so never do it. I started at 202, and currently weigh 135.
  • craylicia
    Hi, I'm an Alicia. I have a medium/normal frame. I weigh 139 lbs or 63 kilos and my height is 5.2 ft or 158 cm. My goal is to lose at least 27 more pounds and weigh at least 112 lbs or 50 kg. After that I want to tone up till I'm 120 lbs or 54 kg. I do cardio by running on my treadmill 4-6 times a week depending on my schedule for 30-45 minutes. I alternate my speed by running 5.5 mph for 2 minutes and 6-6.5 mph for 1 minute. I lift about 6lbs for about 20 reps a day every 2-3 days.Wanna be a my weight loss buddy?