Hello from chilly upstate NY

I'm a 48-year-old married female who needs to lose about 35 lbs. Although I was a chubby child, I was a very athletic teenager and young adult (runner and triathlete) who has slowed down and gained weight in middle-age, not helped by a sedentary career behind a computer. I want to increase my favorite forms of exercise without getting injured, and also want to avoid general joint pain, and of course diabetes and heart disease.

Like many here that I've read about in lurking around on some forums, I'm a former, multi-year WW member, joined and rejoined multiple times, lost up to 50 lbs and regained some of it. I found after a certain stage at WW when the weight-loss stalled, I needed to better understand the math behind my food and exercise, especially the macros, so I used another online tool for awhile similar to this and it got me off my plateau, but the site was rather slow and clunky.

I found that WW in general is not a good fit for me personally for many reasons:
- expensive
- always selling you something at meetings,even though you've already shelled out a lot of money to be a member
- I find their pushing of processed foods especially annoying
- points sytem not accurate enough and too arbitrary
- meeting topics not usually relevant to me
- not much in common with other meeting goers

So, really, the only thing I got out of WW was the accountability of weighing in each week, that's it. Knowing I had to face the scale kept me on track during the rest of the week. I never bothered to actually track points most of the time, and it seems that every autumn I'd get complete WW fatique and quit for the winter.

So here I am, looking for an alternative after a cold, long winter of regaining some weight. My husband and I do a lot of walking and hiking together, he was looking for a pedometer, so I just ordered a Fitbit Zip for each of us to use with this site. Meanwhile, I've begun tracking daily and reading the forums. The tracking tools and databases here are great. This site's tools are fast and effiicient, making it much easier for me to see where I need to adjust my nutrients and exercise, and plan out my meals better.

Now the only piece missing is that accountability of checking in, so I hope I can find some groups here to keep me motivated!
:flowerforyou: Happy Spring!


  • JCoryea
    JCoryea Posts: 4
    Good luck! I know losing weight can be a difficult and frustrating process, but if you believe in yourself you can do ANYTHING!!! :happy:
  • tashat1976
    tashat1976 Posts: 23 Member
    I agree totally with you on WW. I have tried and succeeded multiple times, but it never stuck and here I am now. I am now ready to make a lifestyle change. I would like to lose over 100 pounds.
    Good luck on your journey to healthy!
  • alyjb1121
    alyjb1121 Posts: 186 Member
    I don't buy into weight watchers or advocare or food lover's or any of that. Eating healthier, or being accountable for what you eat teaches you discipline that a program cannot as most the time they are only temporary. MFP has been a savior in accountability and portion control for me, good luck to you! You can do it ;)

    PS......it is very chilly here in the midwest too, buuuuuurr, from Iowa!
  • kikikeener6950
    kikikeener6950 Posts: 1 Member
    I appreciate all the fellow weight watchers! Great job to all of you and keep up the wonderful work!!! :) I just started and I plan to continue this journey! :)
  • boophil
    boophil Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome from chilly WNY! I'm actually doing WW side-by-side with MFP and so far I am having success. For me, I find WW easier for helping me plan my day's meals (I try to plan a week ahead of time), but I love MFP for tracking macros, etc. If you want accountability for your weigh-ins, feel free to add me as a friend! I weigh in on Wednesdays and always track it here as well. Good luck to you!
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    Where, in chilly NY, are you from? I'm from Rochester! Welcome! I do use a few Advocare products, mostly just the energy drink, but I mostly watch what I eat and exercise. I started running last year and have four 5ks planned so far for this year. I still have about 30lbs to lose.

    Good luck and feel free to add me!
  • alpine_dog
    alpine_dog Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, everyone, and the motivation. I'm located in the northern Catskills. Mother Nature played one more joke on us yesterday morning with 3 inches of snow and 23F temp. After another 23F temp this morning, it is finally warming up today. I should be back out in my gardens again this weekend.

    I have an elliptical and a stationary bike at home, no excuses not to get a workout in no matter the weather. Looking forward to some speedwalking outside though once the mornings lighten up enough before work, and eventually running again once my legs are stronger. Can't wait for my Fitbit to arrive.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Welcome from Chilly Central NY!!! I've tried to do WW, but the points thing is too confusing for me! I found the best thing for me is to log and exercise! It's taken almost a year and a half, but I have lost a considerable amount of the weight I need to lose and have a little less than 40lbs to go. I have a fit bit as well and really like it. Good luck with your weight loss and feel free to add me if you want. :flowerforyou:
  • rainbowxelephant
    rainbowxelephant Posts: 71 Member
    I completely agree about weight watchers.. I think it's all a money grab.

    And hello, from even chillier Canada! (It's snowing in western Canada today, I'm starting to think I will end up living in an igloo if this keeps up)

    Good luck with your goals :)
  • meredithcleland
    Hi y'all from the warm south. Mom, 50s, former athlete (pro-am vball and runner), working on losing 50 lbs and figuring out what exercises I can do consistently. Lots of injuries and joint issues (former knee surgery, arthritic hips and partially torn med which I'm rehabbing at present). Done WW online w/ little success. Been online MFP for about 2 weeks consistently. Need accountability group. Love this group! Thanks!
  • amiemitchell
    amiemitchell Posts: 3 Member
    Hi chilly,
    Have you looked into TOPS-Take Off Pounds Sensibly? I have been going for a couple of years,even while gaining my group was supportive and kept encouraging me. I always faced that scale every week, and with the help of my friends I hope I am finally on the right track.
    TOPS doesn't encourage 1 diet over another but have topics that give tips on "how to"....anyway I find the fees very reasonable, and if you happen to be the best loser of the week, in my chapter, you can win everybody's weigh in cost - .25 per person :D
    Anyway hope this gives you some encouragement, let me know how it goes!
