I am not waiting until tomorrow......I start NOW!

Becre8tive Posts: 108 Member
I have two nightmares right now...one is my weight, the other one is how I fell. I feel miserable...unhappy with the way I look. I am so off right now..it's not even funny.

I gained 60 lbs over the last 4 years ..and I just let it happen. All of a sudden the weight just jumped on me..slowly but steady. I didn't understand...my eating habits didn't change, so what was going on. It's called Menopause H*E*L*L. My system changed, my body changed...I was just beside myself.

Then I decided to give up smoking. I smoked for 15 years and decided that's enough. I quit 6 months ago. This is something only an ex-smoker will understand. You quit smoking and you live in the refrigerator, or at least close by! I read up on it and it's normal, but just really bad if you are already overweight. They say "don't worry about it" you can take care of the weight later. Well I gained 28 lbs when I quit smoking. My metabolism was dead and let's not talk about a non existing bowel movements (they joke that it comes back after 2 months and it wasn't a joke).

I don't have eating spells anymore, I don't need candy anymore to overcome cigarette craving. So I am a fat nonsmoker now and I HATE IT.

As of tomorrow I am going on a very strict diet for 2 weeks. Why, because I need a success really fast, I know myself. 5 lbs off my weight would motivate me for months.

I am looking for people who want to be my friend. I need a daily kick in my behind and a reminder that I can do it. I am hoping I won't have to be alone on my journey.

I feel like a Helium balloon.....fat, unattractive and can hardly breath when I try to run (no running for a while). We have a big dog...my exercise will be walking...I will start slowly, but will walk everyday..first like a snail...then power walking.

Anybody with me! Anybody willing to help me!

Sorry for the novel!



  • gymkoala
    gymkoala Posts: 76
    Go for it !!!!
    the thing is never give up!
    if you fall get up

    props for quitting
    i quit smoking more than a year ago and it's one of the best thing i did for myself, don't forget that you did it !
  • JoshD8705
    JoshD8705 Posts: 390 Member
    If you have access to an elliptical I suggest starting. A few 2 minute sessions on it. As you get better on the elliptical your lung capasity for running will start appearing.
  • the_cleave
    the_cleave Posts: 2 Member

    I've been using MyFitnessPal for 12 days so I am new to this like you but I have found it to be extremely motivating. I use the app everyday on my phone and log everything while I am going.

    My advice is be honest with what you log. Keep your goal above 1200 calories a day, less is not always more (starvation mode, etc.). Ease into it if it helps. I like your style though, starting right now instead of tomorrow! Keep that attitude and you will do well I am sure.

    Best of luck to you!
  • the_cleave
    the_cleave Posts: 2 Member
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Welcome aboard ......Congrats on quitting smoking ( I have tried many times and have failed ) so I commend you ....Please don't ever give up from a person who did quit after losing 78lbs life in general and tragic things got in my way and I gave up on myself ....take baby steps I learned this the hard way ...I went full force and it lead to me breaking my foot ....I would love to support/encourage or just listen to you along your journey ....wishing you much success ...YOU CAN DO IT
  • merizzel
    merizzel Posts: 14 Member
    Starting is the first step. Congratulations on quitting smoking. Set small attainable goals. Don't look at the big picture. You did not get here overnight it was a process and so loosing weight and taking control of your health is also a process. Be patient if you are honest with your self and stick to the plan in time it will pay off and you will reach your goals. It wont be an easy road and it will be rocky at first but once you reach your stride just keep going and DO NOT LOOK BACK!! You will have off days and bad days the point is they are only days...you just get back on track!!
    All the best on your journey!!
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    Congrats on making a whole new lifestyle change! I have known several people who have tried and not succeeded in quitting smoking, so kudos to you for doing it!

    You can totally make the weight loss happen, and it sounds like you have a good plan worked out. If you can get out and take daily walks and track what you are eating on here as accurately as possible, you should have no problem. One thing I recommend is to be as honest as you can with tracking the food you eat. You may not be able to get under the set amount of calories every day, and that's okay. You are going to have bad days, but don't let those bad days deter your progress!

    Add me as a friend! I'd be glad to give you a kind swift kick and/or positive words of encouragement :) But please dish it right back!
  • Becre8tive
    Becre8tive Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you all!
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    I hear you on the motivation from a little head start. Just be wary of the binges that are sure to come with any major deprivation for a while. Teo weeks seems feasible, but remember to still be heslthy and tske care of yourself. Sustainability is key.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    You're right, if you can quit smoking, you CAN do this too!!!!
    We are here to help!!!!

    Determination - you've got it. That's what it takes!

    Welcome! Feel free to friend me!
  • Cukkie13
    Cukkie13 Posts: 22
    Congrats in quitting smoking!! And your goal to get even more healthy by losing weight. Definitely log every bite of food you take. It makes a difference. And do not eat too few calories. That will do more harm than good. If you have a slip up in one meal don't beat your self up over it. One day at a time attitude will also help you thru those tough days. Feel free to add me as a friend. I started 5 days ago and I have my ups and down so far. The first week is all about new meal planning and adjustments. The boards and friends help out a a lot. Good luck on your journey!
  • Cukkie13
    Cukkie13 Posts: 22
    Congrats on quitting smoking!! And your goal to get even more healthy by losing weight. Definitely log every bite of food you take. It makes a difference. And do not eat too few calories. That will do more harm than good. If you have a slip up in one meal don't beat your self up over it. One day at a time attitude will also help you thru those tough days. Feel free to add me as a friend. I started 5 days ago and I have my ups and down so far. The first week is all about new meal planning and adjustments. The boards and friends help out a a lot. Good luck on your journey!
  • Kotuliak
    Kotuliak Posts: 259 Member
    Trust me, it's a lot easier to lose weight than it is to quit smoking. You're good. Keep going.
  • ddeal26
    ddeal26 Posts: 14 Member
    Congrats on the quitting smoking!

    I quit just over a year ago and I have also list 86 lbs! I have never felt better in my whole life! I have gotten my whole family active... Never thought I would be able to ride a bike or run a 5 k but its like living a new life !!

    Take 1 day at a time ! There are good days and bad days .. But please don't let the bad days drag you down ! Exercise is a must and you will feel great afterwards .. Also feeling your body get stronger will make you want to push and work harder !!

    If you really want this you will make it happen! You life is on your own hands! BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!
  • pommychic
    pommychic Posts: 25 Member
    Way to go with the determination and the quitting smoking! I totally hear you with the weight gain! I smoked 20 a day for 20 years and have now been smoke free for 5 years. I have to say it was the hardest but the most rewarding things I have EVER done in my life. I realised that I used cigarettes as a weight loss tool as whenever I needed to lose a few pounds I just used to ramp up the cigarettes! suffice to say that I gained a lot of weight after quitting.

    I would advise you to take one day at a time and try not to deprive yourself.. I know how motivating it is to give yourself a massive kick up the behind and see results, but if you embark on a two week diet, you are risking the binge at the end and then being right back where you started. This site is full of useful tools to get started, and I have spend hours reading posts and learning the right way to drop the pounds is slow and steady wins the race. With a bit of smart planning and being consistent in your food logging, you can do this without actually going on a DIET as such and feeling like you are depriving yourself. Whenever I was a bit sceptical of the fact you can eat what you want without cutting out completely your favourite foods, check out the weight loss tickers of most of the people on this forum! Some of the results are staggering!:smile:

    good luck! add me as a friend and we can motivate each other!
  • Becre8tive
    Becre8tive Posts: 108 Member
    I am overwhelmed by the welcome! Thank you!

    Yesterday I was alone - now I have friends to share success and laughter with. I am ready, I am excited and so motivated!

    I am going to be a pain in the behind until I have my goal weight :-)
  • Ratches
    Ratches Posts: 52 Member
    Good for you !!!

    You obviously have will power if you have been able to quit smoking....

    I agree one day at a time.... and just because you have one "bad" meal or day does not mean you have to give up