Chocolate Cravings

So my biggest downfall is always my sweet tooth. I want sweet stuff the most after dinner, but big cravings can hit after any meal. What do you guys do to curb the monster?

Has anyone ever simply stopped having chocolate/sugar for a set period of time? Did that shake the cravings? I'm not sure if I should just refuse to let myself have ice cream/chocolate for a week or two or if I should give myself small doses of like dark chocolate <3.


  • hllday
    hllday Posts: 11 Member
    Definitely have a little bit of what you like, and eat it slowly!
    I'm the same, and I've realised that if what I really want s chocolate then it's stupid to eat low fat yoghurt - I'll eat the yoghurt but then I'll still be thinking about chocolate and might end up eating that as well :P

    Thinking 'I shouldn't' will only make the craving worse, so ration out some dark chocolate to have at the end of the day, or have a square after lunch and dinner; maybe 2 squares if you've done some cardio.
    Way better than restricting yourself and then eating an entire 500g bar of fruit and nut!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I used to snack on candy all the time. The first two months losing weight I stayed away from them, and now I don't feel I need them anymore. I only bought one bag of Easter candy this season and have only gone into it 2-3 times, only taking out a serving or less to satisfy my craving and that's it.
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    I found that cutting sweets out for a period of time (usually a month) has helped get rid of cravings for some things. I'm at a point where I have learned to moderate the things I enjoy, but when you're just starting out it's sometimes good to just get it out of your diet for a little while.

    That said, keep some dark (70%+) chocolate on hand if the chocolate craving hits and limit yourself to a couple of squares as extra dark chocolate is pretty high in calories.
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I don't deny myself... if I want chocolate or ice cream, I work it in.

    An actual serving size of ice cream is generally ~200 calories and is doable on most diets. I do like frozen yogurt as a suitable substitute since there's a red mango on campus, and I can get healthy mix-ins like almonds and strawberries! And sometimes they have greek froyo or sorbetto which are good options.

    I also found that my chocolate protein powder is really great. I use Body Fortress Chocolate Whey Isolate. 1 scoop is 130cals and 30g protein. Mixed with a cup of skim milk and a banana and I have a tasty post-workout chocolate fix that I don't feel even a little guilty about.
  • bgarganera
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    The less I eat of sugary treats, the less I want them. Realistically, you aren't going to avoid chocolate for the rest of your life. But I do feel strongly that if there's a specific food that you know you just can not have one serving and put it away, then it's a good idea to avoid that food item completely for a while, until you feel more able to eat a little piece and be satisfied.

    For me, that item is potato chips. I can not turn them down. So we aren't keeping chips in the house right now. There's all kinds of other salty treats, Cheetos, tortilla chips etc. but if I want chips I have to make a conscious effort to go to the store and buy them. Chances are I'm not going to do that at 2am when I'm craving chips.
  • Krikit34
    Krikit34 Posts: 125 Member
    I was eating a fat free chocolate pudding as I read this. I keep dark chocolate squares on hand, but rarely have them anymore. My evening chocolate treat is usually a banana, sliced, stuck in the freezer for a bit and then topped with a measured tablespoon or two of chocolate syrup. If you have constant sweet cravings, plan on something for the evening, pre log it and then enjoy if you've stayed on track all day.
  • animalldy
    animalldy Posts: 140 Member
    Oikos chocolate frozen greek yogurt is super good, it doesn't even taste like frozen yogurt, its so creamy :) 1/2 cup for 150 calories, 7 grams of protein. Just make sure you measure out your portion!
  • erinsmclaughlin
    erinsmclaughlin Posts: 3 Member
    As others have said, the best plan is not to deny yourself but find ways to work it in. My suggestion: Small amounts of dark chocolate or snacks from healthy brands like Nature Valley or Special K.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I'm a sweet tooth too - I could eat nothing but sweets, and I'd personally give up on salty foods if I had to choose between them! I can completely relate, I feel like I need something sweet after lunch or dinner.
    I have accepted the fact that I'm always going to make room for sweets in my diet... that's fundamental for me.
    After starting to eat at manteinance level (1800 kcals) I started not missing sweets anymore because I could have a good brownie or a small chocolate snack after lunch, and then a few biscuits and dried figs with herbal tea after dinner. My cravings got also significantly better after starting my day off with a good bowl of hot porridge with chocolate chips or small chocolate pieces chopped from a chocolate bar! It's obviously different from eating a whole jar of Nutella but it takes the cravings away and it's working so far. I am personally a carbs person so I need my daily amount of carbs (especially bread) and sweets. I think the combination of raw chocolate, dried fruit, sweet herbal teas and some cheat days every now and then mostly based on sweet foods helped me a lot to reach my goals without feeling too deprived :)
  • foreveraoi
    I would have 1 square of black chocolate (10g) if I want sweet things badly, only 4g of fat, not bad. The only limit of my diet is not to exceed the diet goal I set, especially in fat. or I would jog for 20 min for an return of ice taste. Jog as much as I eat!