Need help gaining weight- ED recovery

I'm a girl, 18 years old, 5'6 (167 cm) and 97 lbs (44 kg).

I've been struggling with an eating disorder for a while but now I'm in the process of recovery with my family's help. Lately I've just been eating as much as possible and have gained two lbs :)

My lifestyle is basically sedentary, the only exercise I get is taking my dogs out for very short walks (about 20 minutes) a few days a week. I'm also a vegetarian (not because of my ED, I haven't eaten meat since I was ten) so I've been eating lots of nuts and beans to get the calories in.

The thing is that I'm really clueless as to exactly how many calories I should be eating per day and how much weight I should be trying to gain. I've tried searching online and all the websites have drastically different recommendations. I can't see a nutritionist at the moment because my family can't afford it, so I'm trying to recover with the help of my family. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :)


  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 444 Member

    Well done on taking the brave step towards recovery.

    I'm in the same situation but I'm older than you (in my 30s), so my needs will be quite different. I know you cannot afford a nutritionist/dietician right now but hopefully you will soon as our nutritional requirements in recovery will be as individual as we are.

    To give you an idea, my dietician has me on 2,400 calories per day. As you're still a teenager, your intake should be considerably higher because a) your metabolism at 18 will be higher than mine, and b) your body is still not finished developing (e.g. our brains don't stop developing until we're in our 20s). When I was in hospital at your age, I was on a 3,500 calories per day.

    Are you attending a doctor? It's fantastic that your family are being so supportive, but you really do need medical support too. Try not to weigh yourself if possible so you don't freak yourself out! Those 2lbs you've gained so far will be internal (e.g. organ restoration, fluid, etc)

    Wishing you the best of luck x
  • Maky20
    Maky20 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey girl! I'm on the same road as you are, I'm 165 cm and 45 kg (gained 1 kg this week). Just want to say keep going the same way as you were lately cuz you see it is working. Do not put too much preassure on yourself just eat, eat anything that comes to your hand. Track yourfood here to make sure you are not undereating. About how many calories, here you put on how much you'd like to weight and the program will tell you how many calories you need to intake. If you want you can add me so we keep each other accountable and support is always welcome. I'd say that for now you do not train hard, that walk with dogs is enough, and after you "stand on your feet" acctualy exercise, weight training, if you want some muscles
    Just be patience and eeeeeaat :)
  • Thanks so much! I'll keep doing what I'm doing, then, and try to get around 3500 calories :) I do have a dr appointment set up in a week or so, so he'll probably give some more tips as well. Thanks again!
  • matt6050
    matt6050 Posts: 56 Member
    First off: Yay for you! That's really exciting that you are taking thins on by yourself! Congrats!

    With regard to your post, I am also on the recovery road! What previous posters have said is totally true and I would echo it: because of your age, height and gender, somewhere in the 2500-3500 range would be best for restoration.

    As far as an ideal weight, talk to your doc about that because they will have your growth chart and will be able to give you the best idea of what you should weigh.

    Once again, best of luck to you and congratulations on taking these steps!
  • Healthy_Varshah
    Healthy_Varshah Posts: 12 Member
    Well done that you have started taking steps :)<3 Your attitude shows you will do it :) Just keep your mind strong hun :* and its a blessing you have your family support ! <3 Take care