Raw til' 4?

My name is Aurora and I'm 17 :) I'm only new to this site (2nd day!).

Recently I've been reading Graham's book '80/10/10'. It talks about veganism and raw veganism and the perks of it all. Don't get me wrong, I love animal products, I am not at all vegan. Although, for a week now, I have managed to stick to his 'Raw til 4' idea. It's that you only eat raw fruit, vegetables and nuts until 4pm.

And it was surprisingly easy! Even with easter just occurring! Although, I have been experiencing some headaches and (TMI Alert) my stomach is a total mess. I assume this is my body going through the detoxing stages, as it's not used to all the enzymes. It shouldn't be caused by malnutrition because I have been ensuring I'm getting the right amounts of carbs, protein, and fats from natural sources. Either way, I have lost almost a kilo!

Was wondering if anyone has done this or is a raw vegan and could explain their experiences?


  • bumpkinz
    bumpkinz Posts: 7 Member
    I've been raw for 6 weeks but it wasn't a huge transition since I've been vegan for 5 years. I lost 10lbs and have a lot more energy to exercise too! I have found it pretty easy. I also am easy on myself about it. I still need to kick the caffeine habit and when I'm out with friends I sometimes eat cooked vegetables at restaurants. I really feel like I'm doing what's best for my body and I log on here everyday to make sure I'm getting enough calories and such.
  • cateeintheraw
    I follow a rawtill4 lifestyle. I started two months ago, prior to that I was miserable. I was calorie restricting, hungry, grumpy, DEPRIVED. I would eat well for a few weeks, binge, beat myself up and start the process again. I found rawtill4 and started a week later and I will never go back. I no longer suffer from IBS, headaches, tinnitus, ovarian cysts. Ontop of that I am so energized and vibrant. I have never experienced this level of vibrancy and happiness and it is incredible. I will follow this lifestyle for the rest of my life.