Does Slimquick work?



  • miamouse3
    miamouse3 Posts: 73 Member
    I just started SlimQuick Razor this weekend, so I can't give any success reports.

    However, I can say that I have had more energy in the last few days than I have in the last few months or years. I too must be careful with caffeine products, but because of my frequent migraine headaches and I have a love/hate relationship with caffeine as a result. So far, at least on the low dose, I haven't had any issues.

    Next week when I amp up to 2 pills per dose will really tell the story for me - palpitations are pretty normal for me and my stress levels have been through the roof lately, have ulcer and sensitive stomach on top of that. I'll know for sure then if it's doing more harm than good, but for now it's just been the boost of not feeling tired and run down constantly that has been the most beneficial for me at this early stage.

    Best wishes for your health in all of this - listen to your body first and foremost of course. I'd love to keep up with your experience and impressions of taking this if you'd not mind updating now and then.

    I'd love to update about it. You should share your progress with me too :). I have heard that people who need a slightly bigger kick when they plateau or are on the last bit add Razor instead of any of the regular ones, so I might try that later if my weight loss slows, of it sounds like it helps. I go up to 2 pills later this week on the regular and am doing a weigh in on friday to see if my weight has changed from last friday. My goal is 2 lbs difference. I read 2 lbs a week is a good goal and ideal though given my weight and everything its possible I could get that initial couple weeks of big loss before it slows to a regular pace.

    I know exactly what you are saying. That boost makes a big difference for me. With everything going on I often just don't have the energy to exercise. I feel sluggish at work, even on my days off. Drinking tons of coffee to be awake and have an energy boost is just too much. I am trying to cut back on coffee because I want to drink more water. I kind of feel more relaxed on top of that if that makes sense. I have energy, and I am feeling relaxed. Sounds contradictory, but the relaxed is more of a mood thing and it affecting me physically. I get stressy. Even if it doesn't make much of a difference compared to just diet and exercise alone, I'm happy for that little kick lol.

    Best of luck to you :), and thanks
  • ironmonkeystyle
    ironmonkeystyle Posts: 834 Member
    Skip it.
  • I have PCOS and I had a really good endocrinologist who diagnosed me. My hormones are totally out of whack right now, even taking metformin. The big signs of PCOS is belly fat, hair growing places it shouldn't late periods and cysts of course. If your doc can't diagnose it (which sounds like you have it) I would find a really good OB/GYN. There is a lady who goes by PCOS Diva and she has full on meal plans etc to put it "in remission" which is possible..
    Warning about metformin, it's really good for PCOS but the first few days you will want to die you feel so sick. Stick with it.
    BTW I am Bipolar as well on a hefty cocktail myself, will be on seroquel the rest of my life and am being weened off Effexor because Lamictal is night and day difference but adding Buspar and getting bio identical progesterone has made my life so good, I've been depressed for six months I finally find things to do during the day including the gym.
    I looked at the slim quick pure ingredients and there are a lot of herbs I've used for fertility cocktails for friends, so I think you might benefit in that way, just make sure you are careful or on BC ! I've used some of those herbs with women with PCOS and one month later they were preggo. Good luck! Keep me informed!
  • Some Supplements that people use as fat burners are:

    1. Green tea Extract
    2. EC or ECA --- Ephedrine, Caffeine and Aspirin (you have heart issues so should steer away)
    3. L- Carnitine
    4. L- Arginine
    5. L-Ornithine

    I think that there is some merit to any use of the above fat burners. If you look at some of the fitness competitors when it comes to competition prep and they want to shed fat most use one or more on the above list. SlimQuick is mainly green tea extract its gonna help you. But you have to have a low cal diet and mix in exercise - hopefully lift 4 x week and Cardio 3 x week.
  • Roxanne_Hennessy
    Roxanne_Hennessy Posts: 130 Member
    I just started the Caffeine Free Slimquick , to go along with my 1200 cal/day, diet. So I'll give you an update in about a month of how its working out
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Most weight loss pills fall under these categories...

    "Metabolism boost" = screws with your heart. (Xenadrine and others)
    "Burns fat" = will tear you a new *kitten*. (Alli and others)
    "Appetite suppressant" = can make you tired and feel like crap. They can help, but they often have varying side effects and they do nothing to curb your cravings.

    Don't do it.
    From someone who has tried it all.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    I am going to be 100% honest as someone who during the while Ephedrine craze got caught up with diet pills. I did lose weight while on the ephedrine but experienced heart palpations and horrible anxiety. I was skinny but miserable, however since everyone around me commented on how awesome I looked I kept it up.
    Once the ephedrine was banned I moved over to some of the other options on the market and the crazy continued with my anxiety and heart palapations (Including Slimquick and Hydroxicut) I also tried Alli which OMG dont do it, its horrific and my stomach took weeks to get back to normal.
    Of course this whole time I didnt tell my doctor what was really going on, I was figuring I didnt want to experience the judgement from him about my poor choices. Finally about 4 years after I started taking the supplements I stopped and talked to my doctor as I was scared of what I might have done to my body. I luckily didnt end up with anything that was major or do any damage but realized after talking to him how not worth it all of that was.

    I did gain a ton of weight back over the last few years, thanks to poor diet, lots of stress and no working out. Turning my life around this last couple of months has been hard but amazing at the same time.
    This last 9 weeks I have been working out religiously and eating healthy, I take a multi-vitamin, fish oil and a B vitamin supplement my doctor recommended. I feel amazing and have dropped just over 25 pounds. I would really just focus on eating healthy and working out (cardio and weight/strength training) I know you said you already are just keep it up! :)
    I never felt as great as I do now on those pills, not saying everyone will be the same as me but just food for thought.

    From my experience I would say talk to your doctor and if you have any underlying issues dont just brush it off. Stick to things that are going to be lifelong changes and dont get discouraged. Its a journey and there will be ups and downs along the road.
  • Jennifer_Delarosa
    Jennifer_Delarosa Posts: 5 Member
    I'm going to tell you the truth. Any diet pill is bad for you. I was on Phentermine for 6 years not counting calories I lost 60 lbs. Now 50 lbs later I put all my weight back on and I am so mad at myself for crunching to a diet aid. My doctor said to cut out anything white from my diet and low Carb meals with exercise is the only way to loose weight and maintaining a 1300 calorie diet. I have done that and lost 4 lbs in a month. I have been on vacation from work for 2 months . I have not done a single sit up at all not even walked around the block and notice I'm dropping weight. If I were you I would not take that crap all it does is cause anxiety later on when you gain the weight back.
  • I am currently on track to losing the weight I've recently gained for the past year. I'm 19 years old and I used to be a basketball player in high school. It's been a while since I've been active and I wasn't watching what I was eating, so I went from being physically fit to moderately obese according to my BMI. Now that I am determined to get back to my old self, I have been keeping track of my calories and working out twice a day both cardio and strength training. I don't have any past medical problems just got hit with reality after high school about nutrition and health. I came across a commercial about Slimquick Pure and decided I'd see how it worked out. I just started it yesterday, but I wanted to know if anyone going through the same motions as me (watching calories and exercising) while taking this are getting any results.
  • cwash2
    cwash2 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started the extra strength version of slim quick today. I am hoping it works. I started with the lowest dose, 1 pill for early morning, then one 6 hours later. Even the first dose has given me energy. But i have been urinating like crazy. Guess thats the diuretic. I also drank a protein shake and had a large banana for breakfast and two plums for a snack, no lunch yet, but it filled me up. Im pretty satisfied. I WANT something sweet, because im used to it. But im actually not hungry. Don't know if its a mind thing, or the actual pill. I realize that the pills should not be used as a crutch, but i too have had various help issues, and because of them (and the pain and drop in energy associated with them), have been unable to go to the gym the past month. so i have picked up some of the weight i lost. i am trying to get back on track, and decided to try slimquick. It says its specially formulated for women. So i am determined to finish the bottle. At least get my money's worth (which was only $19.99 at cvs by the way). So hopefully it will, if anything, at least give me the energy boost i need to try to start working out more. And hopefully keep me full, faster. And If it does, then i still think ive gotten my 20 bucks worth! :)
  • Hi there miamouse3. I was wondering if you had any success with losing weight. I struggle with my weight too, and if you haven't lost the weight the first person you should go to is a endocrinologist. For 10 years my thyroid showed up as normal after my goiter. I know my body and I KNEW something was seriously wrong. After I went to the endrocrin doctor, she took my lab work and come to find out I had a pretty under active thyroid and was diagnostic with hypothyroidism. The testing scale for GP's are very different from Endocrine doctors. My doctor tracked my history and believes my budding diabetes was started because my body was not metabolizing correctly and my body was metabolically shutting down. This is a SERIOUS medical condition, and if you have not seen progress go straight to an Endocrinologist immediately. It took a 3 months of adjusting the thyroid meds and BAM I've lost 54lbs. I went from a 22/24 pant size to 14/16. I have increased my water intake and only drink sodas on special occasions like weddings or work picnics. We drink juice, tea (no sugar, or with monk fruit) and filtered water. I am being taken off my diabetes meds and my metabolic system is working again. I also take vitamins like a multi vitamin by nature made, magnesium on occasion for alertness and fish oil for alertness and heart health. I have to take several prescription drugs for severe back injuries, arthritis, fibromyasia, depression, bipolar, diabetes and hypothyroidism. For my muscle and joint pain I can substitute my hydrocodone and celebrex with MSM which is safer and works very well. Eating a high fiber diet with plenty of water helps and reduce your carb intake to carbs from vegetables, multi grain and brown or unbleached wild rice. Its not just the caloric intake that matters. You can eat smaller portions of bad food all day and it will hinder your diet. Eating healthy but delicious is the key. If you would like some help or would like to work together on our journey I would love to ad you. You are not alone and why people attack each other I don't know, but this is a place ment to be safe for all of us struggling with a common demon. Good luck sweetheart, and kudos on you for starting your journey. If you pay attention, you will learn more about yourself and build a healthy way of life that will last the rest of your days.
  • @ loralapalme. Thanks for sharing the info on the diet pills. What does your condition stand for? It might be something I want to discuss with my doc. I run high on progesterone and testosterone and have issues with the body hair as well. Can you tell me more?
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    there may not be any "magic pill" to help with fat loss, but there are plenty of things to help with energy - if that's what you need.

    I personally haven't tried any supplements - do your research (real research not just some guy/gal on the internet giving their opinion) and make an educated decision before trying anything that could potentially have side effects - I agree with most people that diet and exercise are the most important components in weight loss and healthy living.

    good luck!
  • kouten
    kouten Posts: 1

    Hi miamouse,
    Just sharing my experience so far, which is limited but encouraging. I have been using the Slimquick Pure (powder to mix with water) for four days. Like you, I have also been calorie counting and exercising (3 35 minute walks). My caloric intake has been averaging between 1150 and 1200 a day. The changes I am making include moderate exercise (power walking), calorie reduction (about 700 less than my weight allows to maintain) and eating healthier snacks (no candy bars,etc) Some of my snacks include low fat cottage cheese with pineapple bits, low fat string cheese, various types of fruit, 1% milk. Other than that I am eating the foods I would usually eat. I drink coffee with creamer, breakfast, skip lunch but have 2 bottles of water with slimquick and 2 healthy snacks during the day, eat dinner, and eat a late evening snack if I really need it (possibly due to staying up late). Some nights I don't need a snack. All that said, I have dropped 5 lbs in 4 days. Some of that is probably water weight, but I do not have palpitations, etc. I AM quite hungry before supper time, so I would recommend you make sure your ingredients are ready to cook so you can eat dinner as quickly as possible! :smile: I have tried losing with this same method and lost maybe 1 lb a week. So... by comparison the results with this are much better. I have found that each person's eating preferences, metabolism and health needs/restrictions are different. Due to this, each person will prefer or need different approaches to achieve safe weight loss methods. Hope this is encouraging and helps.
  • So I know that they are not some miracle pill. But about two years ago, i took slimquick. And lowered my calories, I didn't exercise. But I was eating less and I lost about 40 pounds in 3 months. I stopped taking it because i was on depo provera for birth control, had been for about a year and I had no problems till I took this pill. I started bleeding. Daily. So I would ask a doctor just to be sure. But it did help me. And I did keep the weight off. Even after stopping the pills. Just be sure to drink a glass of water with each dose. I definitely recommend them. And am going to start taking them again. Since I am no longer on birth control. I currently weigh 270, I've still got a long way to go, but my starting weight before I found this website was 325. So you can do it!
  • Jclark14454
    Jclark14454 Posts: 13 Member
    I think every persons body reacts different and you will have to find what works for you. Years ago I used the regular Slimquick with 800-1200 calorie diet and 45 minutes of exercise 4 - 5 days a week. I only used the slimquick to help curb my appetite and it did help for me. I take it now also for the same reason. It has iodine in it so if you are deficient in this it may help with that. Here is a website/blog I found helped: &

    His information is very well researched and informative.