When are you considered to be a runner?



  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    the day you lace up your shoes and get out and run. you are a runner.

    Bugger so barefoot running isn't really running damn :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
  • BevLandgren
    BevLandgren Posts: 1 Member
    I counted myself a runner on the first day of my couch to 5k training, just 4 weeks ago. I will be 56 this summer, I am carrying 50 extra pounds, if I can anyone can.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    The second you put on your shoes and step outside to go for a run, or step on the treadmill you are a runner.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    You do NOT need shoes to be a runner
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    When you go out and run because you want to
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    When you willingly get up early to go for a run. When you pay money for the opportunity to go run on the road. When running shoes out number regular shoes. When you devote a drawer just to tech shirts. When it's crappy weather and you still get out there and move.

    LOL, I don't necessarily agree that you have to have done all this to call yourself "a runner", but it made me laugh! I'm doing a challenge to run 5km every day for 50 days and it has turned me into a crazy running person!

    I was up at 6.30am this morning for my run (something I would never have dreamed of doing before!!), I've entered several races including a 10K coming up in June, I have a whole drawer full of running gear (and have been running so often recently that I put ALL of it in the wash last night - it still wasn't quite dry this morning which meant I had to run in damp gear...bonkers!!). And yesterday I was slogging in torrential rain.

    Yup, I'm a runner!
  • dperret1975
    dperret1975 Posts: 21 Member
    I have run many 10k's, half marathons and1 marathon but since I got my injury last September
    I do not lace up my shoes:cry:
    I don't go out in the rain :cry:
    I don't step on the treadmill :cry:
    I do not pay to run on the road (anymore):cry:
    I do not jog or run every day or every week for that matter:cry:

    but I still consider myself a runner...........:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I really think there is no definition for "a runner". It's up to you to consider yourself a runner or not.........:wink:
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    When you willingly get up early to go for a run. When you pay money for the opportunity to go run on the road. When running shoes out number regular shoes. When you devote a drawer just to tech shirts. When it's crappy weather and you still get out there and move.

    LOL, I don't necessarily agree that you have to have done all this to call yourself "a runner", but it made me laugh! I'm doing a challenge to run 5km every day for 50 days and it has turned me into a crazy running person!

    I was up at 6.30am this morning for my run (something I would never have dreamed of doing before!!), I've entered several races including a 10K coming up in June, I have a whole drawer full of running gear (and have been running so often recently that I put ALL of it in the wash last night - it still wasn't quite dry this morning which meant I had to run in damp gear...bonkers!!). And yesterday I was slogging in torrential rain.

    Yup, I'm a runner!

    That sounds bonkers indeed - I want to be like you! I am nowhere near that dedicated... I tend to head for home when it starts raining.
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    When you willingly get up early to go for a run. When you pay money for the opportunity to go run on the road. When running shoes out number regular shoes. When you devote a drawer just to tech shirts. When it's crappy weather and you still get out there and move.

    LOL, I don't necessarily agree that you have to have done all this to call yourself "a runner", but it made me laugh! I'm doing a challenge to run 5km every day for 50 days and it has turned me into a crazy running person!

    I was up at 6.30am this morning for my run (something I would never have dreamed of doing before!!), I've entered several races including a 10K coming up in June, I have a whole drawer full of running gear (and have been running so often recently that I put ALL of it in the wash last night - it still wasn't quite dry this morning which meant I had to run in damp gear...bonkers!!). And yesterday I was slogging in torrential rain.

    Yup, I'm a runner!

    That sounds bonkers indeed - I want to be like you! I am nowhere near that dedicated... I tend to head for home when it starts raining.

    Nah the rain cools you down (and if you've not been running fast you can pretend it's sweat).

    I'm glad I'm not the only one with moer running shoes than normal shoes, more running bras than normal bra's and have more t-shirts from events that I've completed than I've bought!!!
    Need to add in when you start entering events just because you want a t-shirt!!!

    None of these actually make you a 'runner' one foot in front of the other with a split second where both feet are off the ground is the difference between running and walking, enjoy it, would like to say it's free but the amount of money I spend on trainers and kit it really isn't!!!
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    Check this link: http://www.runningintheusa.com/More/YouMightBeARunner.aspx

    One of my favorites is about a 5k run being a warmup.
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    Being a runner is not a one's qualification, it's a state of one's mind.

    - A Buddha.
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    I was thinking about this very question this weekend as I paid for my first pair of real running shoes, sweat/hair band to keep the sweat out of my eyes and various workout clothes.

    I realized I have changed from the person I was. I don't know if I count myself a runner just yet, but I'm close. I run about 3 miles everyday. I love it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    My friend and I were having this discussion the other day. She was arguing with a guy who said because she didnt' run X miles a week she wasn't a runner.

    (so stupid)

    anyway- I do not honestly consider myself a runner.

    I don't run when I'm bulking.

    I do sprints when I want because I LIKE them. I do run occasionally because I like it- it's a completely different state of being than lifting- but at this point- I just don't think I'm a runner.

    And I think that's the case because running is not a regular part of my routine- I do it when the spirit moves me rather than because "it's what I do".

    I'm a dancer- because it's what I do- I breath- I eat I sleep- I dance- because without these things- I die.
    I'm a lifter- because it's what I do. breath- eat sleep- lift. without these things- I die.

    But I run when I want to - not because I love it- or feel I MUST do it to keep my sanity.

    So no - while I do run- and I run pretty well- I do not consider myself really "a runner".