Dizzy but gotta exercise~

I'm feeling quite dizzy every time I start to exercise today but have to truck through!
I'm in the middle of Insanity: Cardio Recovery and tonight I have to do 30 Day Shred Level 3.
At least I have already done my cycling and walking for the day....


  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    That sounds like a crazy amount of exercise for one day and if you are feeling dizzy you should really find out why

    Your diary isn't open but I would suspect that you are not eating enough to fuel that kind of exercise regime?
  • Catfriend25
    Hi Chris I'm not tracking my calories but I eat pretty normally, I mean I eat pretty much the same as others around me so hopefully it's okay. Thanks for Your concern, the dizziness will probably fade.
  • DuckDynastyMakesMeLaugh
    Some causes for dizziness include:

    inner ear disorders
    low iron levels
    low blood sugar
    ear infections
    overheating and dehydration

    I echo what ChrisM8971 suggested - possibly too much exercise and potentially your calories are at unsafe levels. You have to stay hydrated and eat to fuel your workouts.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hi Chris I'm not tracking my calories but I eat pretty normally, I mean I eat pretty much the same as others around me so hopefully it's okay. Thanks for Your concern, the dizziness will probably fade.

    Are those around you exercising as hard as you are or as often? When you exercise you burn calories, over and above those that would be burnt on a normal day.

    This creates a calorie deficit, which is what you want if you are looking to lose weight. How large a deficit you can get away with depends on a lot of things, including how overweight you are. As your profile picture suggests you are not overweight then I can only assume that eating "pretty normally" before exercising wasn't causing you to gain much weight.

    If that is the case then you need to eat more to compensate for what you are burning off in exercise.

    Now you could wait and the dizziness may fade, or maybe you could end up passing out instead

    Best to get it checked out if it continues
  • Catfriend25
    Sigh...it's just that all this exercise hasn't caused me to budge a single pound! And I eat moderately too. I'm afraid people think "Oh she must be lazy and never even walks around the block and that's why she's so fat." That's why I can't stop exercising, I have to exercise every day even if I'm sick or whatever because I'm so fat already, imagine what would happen if I skipped one day. Right now I really really don't feel like exercising.....I really don't...but I have no choice...I wish people didn't hate me for my weight...I wish I had someone in my life that cared about me and didn't think I was a fat loser, that would make me feel so much better about myself but I don't have anyone
  • Xingy01
    Xingy01 Posts: 83 Member
    You shouldn't be feeling dizzy when you exercise. You should talk to your doctor about it. It could be a deficiency or medical condition. You may just be doing too much at once and need to slow it down.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Sigh...it's just that all this exercise hasn't caused me to budge a single pound! And I eat moderately too. I'm afraid people think "Oh she must be lazy and never even walks around the block and that's why she's so fat." That's why I can't stop exercising, I have to exercise every day even if I'm sick or whatever because I'm so fat already, imagine what would happen if I skipped one day. Right now I really really don't feel like exercising.....I really don't...but I have no choice...I wish people didn't hate me for my weight...I wish I had someone in my life that cared about me and didn't think I was a fat loser, that would make me feel so much better about myself but I don't have anyone

    Once again your profile picture doesn't suggest that you are particularly overweight but lets just say you are then I would suggest the following:

    Post your stats (height weight age etc)
    Enter those into MFP and set a realistic activity level (not including exercise)
    Set your weight loss goal to 1 lb per week
    Buy a set of kitchen scales and a measuring jug/spoons etc and weigh and log everything you eat & drink
    Follow the calorie goals set by MFP
    Cut right back on your exercise and eat back 50% of the calories you burn
    Modify your eating/exercise depending on what your average weight loss is over the first 4 weeks or so

    Remember exercise is for fitness, setting your calorie deficit based on what you eat is much more important for weight loss
  • mercurywinks
    mercurywinks Posts: 104 Member
    Sigh...it's just that all this exercise hasn't caused me to budge a single pound! And I eat moderately too. I'm afraid people think "Oh she must be lazy and never even walks around the block and that's why she's so fat." That's why I can't stop exercising, I have to exercise every day even if I'm sick or whatever because I'm so fat already, imagine what would happen if I skipped one day. Right now I really really don't feel like exercising.....I really don't...but I have no choice...I wish people didn't hate me for my weight...I wish I had someone in my life that cared about me and didn't think I was a fat loser, that would make me feel so much better about myself but I don't have anyone

    Okay, first...that's a very UNHEALTHY way to feel. I work in mental health trust me. You have a choice. STOP IT. You haven't lost any weight, but I'm sure you've lost inches. Don't discount that. Per Square inch muscle weighs more than fat. So if you have a 5'4" person who ways 135 pounds and is dying from eating CRAP all the time and has nothing but fat on them, its not the same thing as a 5'4" person who is carved muscle. One is healthy, the other is not...in fact, the healthier person may WEIGH MORE even with the same height and shape. That's the way it works. You are RUINNING your body by doing so much working out all in one day. you're body needs down time to recover. Also, in your work outs alone you're probably destroying all the calories you've eaten, so you're body isn't getting what it needs to repair. Make sure the food you're eating is protein and vitamin rich. If you don't believe me, hit up anyone of the lifting forums on this sight and they will tell you the same thing I am. Get you're head out of that place. It's a bad place to be. You have a choice, its no bodies business what your weight is. It's your life and your goals. Don't let their opinions make you work yourself right into the ER.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    OP has previously posted about seeing a counsellor for low self-esteem and body issues so I don't feel particularly comfortable with giving advice. There are clearly underlying issues here that need professional help.
  • Catfriend25
    Hi Mercury, can I ask You for some advice since You are a mentle health professional? Do You have more specific ideas/tips on how to regain self confidence other than to stop feeling unconfident? I don't know what concrete steps to take to feel better about myself.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    i tend to get dizzy every now and then i do 45-1hr workout everyday which is not alot to take out of my day i have 24 hrs!
    but anyway it might be that your a bit dehydrated .....
  • mercurywinks
    mercurywinks Posts: 104 Member
    Hi Mercury, can I ask You for some advice since You are a mentle health professional? Do You have more specific ideas/tips on how to regain self confidence other than to stop feeling unconfident? I don't know what concrete steps to take to feel better about myself.

    If you feel like you need to talk to someone. Do it, thats the biggest and most important step. Being open about your problems to the right people can be a big help. I'm not saying going around blabing to others about all your problems, but there are lots of resources avalible to find anonymous professionals willing to talk with you about your issues. If you really feel your just entirely unhealthy and in a bad place, go to a gym and ask to speak to a personal trainner. Get a fitness evaluation done and let a professional in that arena tell you where your at. Go to your doctor for a physical, let your DOCTOR tell you where you stand. You can also print a list of daily affirmations (positive ideals to believe about yourself) and read them every morning or eavning. Mostly, i'd encourage you to seek help from a professional in your community. Not in an online forum over the internet with a bunch of strangers. If confidence and self image is causing you to destroy your body then you need HELP and just someone telling you that your good enough isin't going to be ENOUGH. Get some real help so that you can be happy with yourself!