Positive Only

sophiajackson99 Posts: 90
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I woke up this morning ready to go. I decided nearly two weeks ago that I was going to begin my journey today and I am excited about it! I already know that it's going to happen because I decided. I'm not hoping, I'm not looking miserably to some distant land and HOPING that I can get there. I've decided, and truthfully, that's all any of us need to reach a desired weight.

So I find it interesting that I have run into so many places - on Entertainment Tonight yesterday, and NPR this morning - that run stories on why NY resolutions won't work and don't even set them. And then I see blogs from people that just get me down. It's like everyone is out to crash my great mood and tell me that what I've set out to do can't be done. Why do people like to do that? I know they're not "doing it to me" personally, but that sure is what it feels like. I turned off the tv, turned off the radio and quit reading other people's blogs. I'm not even telling my friends or family about this planned journey because I don't want to hear their advice or discouragements. This is my journey and I've decided the outcome.

I pulled out a journal from a year ago this morning and read what I wrote about starting a diet then. I noted the same frustrations - my coworker said, Don't wait too long to start or you'll never do it! And my friend out to dinner said, you're never going to get to 30 pounds eating THAT. And even my dad said something to discourage me. One of my life lessons I think , is to find strength in myself. I know people are not trying to get me down, there are only expressing their own frustration at failure and I need to remember that. Everyone likes to give advice, but the truth is, that we each have all the tools that we need to accomplish any weight goal that we set out minds to.



  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    You have made a great decision to get started today. You CAN do it! One day at a time. One decision at a time. I'm glad you've found MFP. This community is absolutely awesome. You will find a lot of friends to encourage you and help you along the way. Use the website and tools to the fullest and you WILL see results. I started one month ago by first just logging my food, then I added some exercise and tracked it too. Since Thanksgiving, I have lost 10 lbs!

    Welcome to MFP. Show everyone that you CAN do it!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Having the mindset that you now have is key to succeeding. It can be overwhelming when others voice their opinions, but keep your goals written down somewhere that you review them everyday and stay focused on the new you that is waiting to bloom! You can do this and staying positive is certainly an important factor along the way! Kudos to you for taking this first step! Welcome to MFP!
  • chancie72
    chancie72 Posts: 270 Member
    Sometimes friends and amily can be very discouraging. I have no support at home either. My husband is always trying to get me to eat stuf I shouldn't eat- just a couple bites won't hurt is what he says. I told him it's that way of thinking that got me this way!
    Whether you choose to tell them or not is up to you. I personally didn't at first but my immediate family has noticed because I keep buying that "healthy crap". I am not letting anyone stop me this time! Joining this page was the best thing I could of done because it connects me with other people like me. People who have been fighting with weight for years!

    Add me as a friend if you want- we can be support for each other. Read the message boards- many people post challenges on there to keep each other motivated. But most importantly remember that you deserve this chance to change and you can do it!! It's not a diet- it's a new way to live by!

    Good luck!
  • GOOD FOR YOU! I made the same decision (my family physician provided the website) and today is my first day; I really like how intuitive the website is - calculating calories, the ability to add foods that are not already there and the difference exercise makes in your daily totals (I walk 3/miles per day with my neighbor). Seeing the numerical benefit of that walk is going to serve as encouragement. I'm taking one day at a time and commited to make today a success! I wish the same for you - it's in our control!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to no matter WHEN you start. Today, tomorrow, last week...doesn't matter. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  • You all are amazing! Thanks for your very positive encouragement!! It brought tears to my eyes to read it.
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