what stops you from binging?



  • Two things:

    1) Not forbidding myself from eating treats.

    2) Reminding myself that a binge is not worth the consequences.

    I enjoy favorites like ice cream or cookies in moderation. That way, there's no deprivation that can lead to a bad decision. By logging my food faithfully here, I have to face bad choices in black and white and see how they affect my overall plan. That's usually enough to dissuade me and help me make a better decision.

    I also remember a saying from a friend who was in Overeaters Anonymous many years ago. Hopefully I remember it right, but it was HALT (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired). The idea was that being in any of those states made you more vulnerable.
  • Pamstimelines
    Pamstimelines Posts: 79 Member
    great advice on this thread! When I eat more than I should of something, I log it so that I can see exactly how much it cost me in calories, sodium, etc. so that the next hopefully I won't eat that much! It seems to be working for me.
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    Not denying myself any foods.

    Keeping less of foods I am likely to binge on in the house.

    Eating foods that keep me full and drinking enough water through out the day.

    If I want to binge in response to an emotional issue I go for a walk, I talk to someone or I make popcorn and watch a movie.
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Having a wide range of daily calorie goal (1000-2200 not including exercise) keeps me at ease because I noticed when I feel restricted I tend to rebel. I try to keep to around 1400 calories a day but knowing I have the possibility to eat up to my maintenance level without sabotaging my progress keeps me relaxed and triggers less binging days.

    I also try to keep my trigger foods tucked into some dark corner in the kitchen, this way I know they're there so I'm not feeling restricted but at the same time I'm too lazy to get a chair, stand on it, then shuffle through piles of stuff to reach that food. This makes me eat it mindfully, while knowing exactly what I'm doing and what I'm reaching for instead of randomly grazing without thought.
  • what stops you from binging??

    Not having big bags of crisps or cheese in the house.
  • DaveScadlock
    DaveScadlock Posts: 27 Member
    Guilt stops me. So if I binge (or even have what I know I am not supposed to have) and them comes weigh-in time, if I havent lost the desired weight, I am the one to blame. It really comes down to mind over matter.

  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    Not restricting myself to the point of needing to binge.
  • Lately I've been trying to avoid convenience stores.
  • kathhp
    kathhp Posts: 2 Member
    Not going grocery shopping on an empty tummy... Making sure that I eat before I leave the house to go anywhere (means I avoid coffee shops and convenience stores)...

    Once in a while I have blown it - and hated myself for wasting all the time I have spent working hard to lose weight - then I pick myself up (remind myself feeling awful is a waste of productive energy) and get back on track. We are human - most of the time I can avoid it by focusing on my goal - thinking about what 'THAT' dress or bikini or whatever will look like when I get to my next goal (that's really helped me)...

    Good luck! Remember every step forwards counts - why blow all that hard work for one binge :-) (that's going to make you hate yourself and feel fat again too!)