
My son is enrolled in a pre-kindergarten class through our park district three days a week. I've thought about an exercise class and since they are in the same building as his class, I thought I would check something out. The only one they have at the times he's in class is Jazzercise. I am interested because when I researched it, I found that people seem to love it. BUT I am seriously nervous about going. I've never done a workout class and I'm not in great shape. I'm afraid of making a fool of myself in front of people. :embarassed:

So, I have a few questions, I feel silly asking them but getting some answers might ease my mind enough to get me to enroll.

1. Is there a certain age group that jazzercise is aimed at?
2. What am I supposed to wear to something like this? And what kind of shoes?
3. If I were to enroll, how long do you think it would take until I felt "comfortable" with the routines?
4. If you are enrolled, has it played a large part in you losing weight or keeping fit?
5. I don't have anyone to go with, am I going to feel like a weird outsider?
6. What do I bring with me to workout?

Of course, I am interested in any other tips or information you think would be helpful. Thanks! :smile:


  • jefadav
    jefadav Posts: 3 Member
    I enrolled in a jazzercise class while serving overseas, it was a blast. The instructor I had encouraged loose fitting close and cross trainer shoes. Because I was serving overseas at time most of the class was in their mid-20s to middle 30's. I have recently looked at a class and it was made up mostly women in their 30's - 60's. The instructor was very aware of the different age groups and different fittnes levels, I had a great time. I regret to imform you I was not able to continue the class due to a scheduling problem.
  • jaimechiioldi
    jaimechiioldi Posts: 13 Member
    I love Jazzercise!! I have been going since May of 2010 and cannot imagine my life without it now. I love it...it really doesn't feel like a workout to me because it is so much fun. I wear a HRM to every single class and burn anywhere from 550-700 calories in an hour and I go at the very least 5 times a week and at most 7. Do not worry at all about making a fool out of yourself! Everyone knows what it is like to first start out and they have all been there before. The instructors are helpful, supportive, and welcoming. Find a spot towards the back of the room if you are really worried. People in class will be too busy paying attention to the instructor to notice that you are new and just learning.

    To answer your questions:

    1. I don't think there is a certain age at all. Our local Jazzercise recently had quite a few teenage girls join and I believe the oldest member is 82. Most of us are probably 25-45.

    2. Wear what is comfortable and what you can easily move in. Normal sneakers are fine...at our Jazzercise we have to wear shoes that are not worn outside to protect the floors.

    3. All Jazzercise routines are made up of essentially the same types of movements. Songs are typically made up of 3 or 4 differernt movements that are done 3-5 times during the song. So I usually think that when you are first starting by the end of the song you have picked up the sequence of movements, and will be prepared for the next time you hear the song. I don't feel like I have any rythem at all and I started feeling confident in the routines a month or so after joining.

    4. Yes, it has!! I have tried for years to lose weight and this is the only thing that has worked. I have used myfitnesspal and jazzercise and have lost almost 30 pounds since August.

    5. No, not at all! My own experience has been that everyone is very open and caring. I have never felt weird or out of place at all, and I typically don't have friends there with me.

    6. I think that most places only require you to bring water. I think most of them provide the weights and bands.

    Hope this helps!! I hope you decide to try it out :)
  • mictur
    mictur Posts: 175 Member
    I love Jazzercise. I wish there was a class near my home. Did it when I moved to Florida for years. Then moved north and noone was offering classes. Wear regular workout clothes, shorts, tshirt, sneaks. Bring water and a towel.
    My school district is starting Zumba classes so that is what I am going to do 2 times a week other than training for a 5K. Enjoy your classes.:flowerforyou:
  • kimcake
    Thanks so much for the information!! I'm going tomorrow morning to check it out!