Fellow breakfast haters- I've cracked breakfast!

faithxox Posts: 20 Member
I'm not a morning person, and I am not a breakfast person. I've always preferred eating little or nothing in the morning, saving my calories for a bigger, more delicious lunch. As most studies have shown, that has resulted in me eating more later in the day and putting on weight. :sad:

At the beginning of this journey, I attempted force-feeding myself microwave oats/airpopped popcorn and a piece of fruit, but it did nothing for me and I was still starving by the time lunch came along.

But, I think I've finally cracked it! I came across a recipe for a breakfast smoothie with oats in it. To me, that sounded really weird, but I don't find normal smoothies sans oats very filling so I decided to give it a go. Wow, the difference it has made to my life!! Goodbye midmorning hunger and poor lunchtime choices. I also have a much smaller appetite in the evenings, something I've never experienced.

Now, every evening I whip up a smoothie and pop it in the fridge to grab for work in the morning (not a morning person remember). If you are a breakfast hater too, its definitely worth giving this a go!

My breakfast smoothie:
1/4 cup of oats (uncooked)
A few tablespoons of fat free yogurt
1/4 cup of hazelnut milk (a random buy, really like how creamy it is!)
1/2 a banana
Cup of frozen berries (strawberries, raspberries and blueberries)
Some water if its too thick
Ice cubes (I had these the next morning, to keep it cool on the way to work)


  • WolfAlexandra
    WolfAlexandra Posts: 11 Member
    Why don't you try using fat yogurt instead (a 4% fat one is perfect) and replace fruit? Fruit are simple carbohydrates and therefore are absorbed very fast by your body and used as a source of energy. This is not really ideal if you have a long time span between breakfast and lunch. Fat, on the other hand, although more calorically dense, creates a long-lasting feeling of satiety.
    Good job on the oats and hazelnut milk
  • faithxox
    faithxox Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for the feedback, but I think I'd probably find it a little boring taste-wise without the fruit, what would you use to make it taste nice?