1200 cals + exercise

For those of you who are on the 1200 kcal and do exercise;
Do you eat the extra exercise calories or not?
I'm a little confused as to whether I should or not and what impact doing so/not doing so will have.


  • kunalloser
    kunalloser Posts: 38 Member
    I am 1350 cals. Logically speaking if you burn some cals by exercise you need to consume more.
  • megan_elizabeth8
    megan_elizabeth8 Posts: 216 Member
    Seems logical - you burn more, you eat more.
    Just my opinion though :smile:
  • litchfieldd
    litchfieldd Posts: 43 Member
    Yes you should eat the extra exercise calories as the 1200 includes a deficit. If you don't then you could run yourself pretty ragged without enough fuel in your body. The exercise won't mean a faster weight loss, rather it improves your general health and justifies a more enjoyable diet! Just enjoy the extra food as 1200 won't give you much.

    Also consider whether 1200 is a bit extreme as you don't have that much to lose. You could maybe set a smaller weekly goal?
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    Think of your body as an engine, if you want the engine to go further and/or do more you have to put more fuel in the tank, eat back the calories that you're using for exercise, 1200 calories always seems rather extreme to me as it's the default setting for MFP when you put in you want to lose 2lb a week, I'm eating over 2000 calories a day and still dropping that amount!!!
  • kiely32
    kiely32 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks all. Its explains why I am feeling so shattered! I never have only eaten the 1200, I always go over I thought I was doing something wrong.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    I assumed from the T25 literature that they had set the limit including the exercise. However, I ignored the limits, looked at my BMR, took off c 1100 calories and then added back an estimate for exercise which is T25 in the mornings and a brisk walk at lunchtime, work and weather permitting. It has worked so far. I tend to feel tired but not hungry so I assume that my body is telling me it needs to repair itself rather than needing more food. Diary is open, just ignore the birthday bash yesterday as I blew calories out of the water yesterday and paid for it today feeling lethargic and bloated. Got a T25 Total Body Circuit done this evening and felt so much better,
  • kiely32
    kiely32 Posts: 46 Member
    Im the same as that ftrobbie, tired not hungry. Maybe its just all a bit of a shock and the body is adjusting. I am on total body circuit tomorrow, pretty scared!