Dramatic hair loss/bald paches at 23 years old?! :(

nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
Hi all,
so 5 months ago I move to New York. 6 months ago, I had the Implanon contraceptive put in.

About 6 weeks ago, I noticed dramatic hairloss. Like, chunks in the shower. I lost about half my hair, before I finally had the Implant removed 3 weeks ago.

However to my dismay, my hairloss has continued. I now have 2 small bald patches on the right side of my head, which are very obvious if I wear my hair back. I eat mostly healthily, with the occasional burrito and drink. I walk to and from work each day (4.2 miles all up) and go to the gym 3-4 days a week (weight training or spin class)

I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, but I comfortably sit with a BMI between 19.5-20. I have never had any problems with hair-related side affects, just acne and absence of periods.

Yes, I am under a lot of stress currently. My job is high stress, but I can kind of cope with that. My living situation on the other hand causes me anxiety attacks. My room mates are disgusting pigs I found on Craigslist.My hair loss started more or less after I moved here.

I am not moving out until June 1, which is the same day my work-provided health insurance starts, so I can't go to a professional to see what's going on until then.

I would LOVE some help on this one. As a 23 year old female, it's pretty traumatizing to see bald patches :( Any diet tips/hair shampoo/scalp treatment you can provide would be HIGHLY appreciated :flowerforyou:


  • sewnojo
    sewnojo Posts: 1 Member
    hello. It sounds like alopecia areata (which is patches of baldness as you describe) which can be triggered by stress although often there is no particular or obvious cause.
    I have it myself, although it is much improved at the moment with only one patch at the moment.
    I realise you have said that you can't see a professional about this yet - I'm in UK - I don't really know how it works in the US but I went to my local doctor. I was prescribed a topical steroid cream to try and stimulate the hair growth. I didn't like the grease factor so I went to a private doctor who prescribed me a simliar thing but in liquid form which is much better.

    However until then you can also try caffeine shampoos and so on to try to do the same thing. Also try vitamin supplements specifically aimed at hair and nails. The main thing though is to somehow try to reduce those stress levels. I'm very sure that what triggered my hair loss was stress and my hair stopped falling out when I calmed down a bit. It takes time to come back and one year one I have four inch tufts all over the place which I am forever grateful for! Your lifestyle already sounds healthy (mine wasn't and I tried to improve that too)

    Good luck x
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Stress would be the most likely cause. You might want to minimize how much caffeine you consume because that can get you a bit more wound up. Make sure you're getting all the necessary vitamins/minerals (as long as you eat a variety of food you should be fine with that.)

    Life Lesson: Don't live with people on Craigslist.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    You need to get to the dermatologist. A few years ago I had alopecia. It was a small spot on the back of my head. It was probably due to stress and my body basically attacking itself. it was only the one time and I had injections and used Rogain to get the hair to come back. I would definitely go to a dermatologist. Trust me, they can probably help you.
  • berrythin79
    berrythin79 Posts: 28 Member
    Everyone above gave some great advice about seeing a doctor when your able to. You might also want to try taking Boitin supplements or eating/drinking more protein. I hope it gets better for you soon.
  • JosieMomGramma
    JosieMomGramma Posts: 727 Member
    Dr Oz just adressed this problem of hair loss. He suggested eating more zinc rich foods in your diet. You can google what they are. Or take a supplement for zinc. Hope that helps!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    You should definitely check with your doctor. How is your iron level? Low iron or anemia can cause hair loss.

    I experienced hair loss from extreme stress (ptsd that got triggered by an understandable reason). I needed to learn to manage my stress better. Yoga and meditation helped. Anything that helps you not get so wound up. I also did not have any caffeine. I started taking a multi-vitamin with B vitamins. And just basic good gentle hair care. My hair loss only lasted for a month and immediately started growing back in. It is all grown in now. I had to cut my hair to blend in the new hair growth.

    Oh yeah, and make sure you are eating the right amount of protein.

    Some people take silica gel.

    Edit: oh, this thread is a couple months old. Well, I hope things have begun to improve.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Three year old zombie thread