Back on the Wagon!

I have decided that today I am back on the wagon (after I fell off said wagon and it ran me over!). My husband and I did great for a while, he lost over 50lbs and I lost over 20, then we just got out of routine. I would love to have some support to get going again. We have three kiddos (10, 7, and 10 months) and it seems like we area always on the go! Looking for ideas for quick, healthy, kid friendly meals!


  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome back!!!!

    I have a 4 and 6 year old... we both have full time jobs and I have a second job. I understand busy!!!

    Will your kids eat whatever you fix for them or do you have to work with that?
    We struggle also, but if they have a fruit, veggie and protein they like then work within that range. Yogurt is good and easy. Granola mix for snacks.

    There are great 30 minute workouts out there for you and your husband. Anyone can Make that time......
    you can do it!
  • marzajones
    marzajones Posts: 17 Member
    Glad to see your back! :smile:
  • sonyapowell
    sonyapowell Posts: 38 Member
    pasta made from veggies, low or no sugar sauces, always chose whole foods over processed, let the kids help. (with everything, shopping list, shopping, prep, cooking, clean up). it will take longer but the effort pays off for everyone one. simple changes like adding potato to cabbage or cauliflower, peas or corn into mac and cheese. veggies and fruit are whole and fresh are always good. sometimes we discriminate against high starch veggies or high sugar fruit. but when compared to simple, processed carbs it is pointless. always have three tangerines over on bowl of ice cream......always have a big baked potato instead of bag of chips. whole foods! one ingredient, comes in it's own wrapper, you might be able to eat the wrapper......
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member

    Congrats on getting back on track!

    My new day one is today. I lost 100 pounds in 2012.

    Putting back around 10 I was okay with, but it kept creeping up. I've regained 17 pounds this year and 39 over all. I thought I had stabilized at 183, then over the fall/early winter went up to 187. Biggest gain has been recent. My eating hasn't been great, but I really think it has a lot to do with stress/insomnia. My father was in ICU for a month and then passed away.

    I tried just tracking for a week and was averaging 2,000 to 2,200 calories a day. I admit to being jealous of people I see eating that much and more and not gaining, but you get what you get.

    I'm trying The Body Fat Breakthrough. Simple repetitive menu, choice of 3 breakfasts, 4 snacks, 2 lunches, and IIRC 4 dinners. Automating my meals worked for me before so thinking this will be a good start doing something that is easy and doesn't require a ton of measuring and calculating.

    Good luck!