No distractions

I quit a job I hated about 6 months ago, took off on a multi month tour of the US on my motorcycle which recharged my mental batteries. now it's time to address my health, something I've neglected over the years. Decided to make this a public commitment to help with accountability and I think this site will be a great tool. Looking forward to getting to know and support other. Thanks!



  • 4aces61
    4aces61 Posts: 292 Member
    Awesome. I bet that ride was very therapeutic.Welcome and good luck w/ your quest. What are your goals? What have you started doing so far?
  • Rsharp76
    Rsharp76 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks man, it definitely was. Looked at your profile, you know how relaxing a long ride can be. I started a couple weeks ago at 375 and will ultimately get down to or under 250, but my first goal is 299. I want to get a 2 in front of that weight pretty dang bad! lol I have a bike and have been biking or walking every day. Getting back to the gym and weights this week, I enjoy weights more than cardio but cardio is obviously what I need to focus on now.
  • 4aces61
    4aces61 Posts: 292 Member
    I focused on cardio solely for about the first three months. I was using an elliptical at home, while dieting and logging here. That was a tremendous help. Finally I needed to take it up a notch, I joined a gym in march. I still do a lot of cardio cuz I still have another 50lbs I want to lose, but I'm hitting the weights now pretty hard. If you're not logging, counting calories and weighing your food, start. Even though it's time consuming in the beginning, once you get the hang of it it will be invaluable to you. I log everyday, my diary is open so have a peak if you like. Lotta great ppl and info here. That makes it even easier. if you have the will/desire, you'll do just fine. I'm sending a you a friends request also

  • ashleyrene4404
    ashleyrene4404 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello :) Would love to be part of your team!! Feel free to add me!
  • staceylynn08
    staceylynn08 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm inspired, way to go! I'm looking forward to leaving my stressful job next year...the closest I've come so far is just walking off and burning a few at the gym several times a day...keeps me sane and somewhat happy. Good for you, great that you're putting yourself and your health first!

    Feel free to add me as a friend
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
    Always good to hear from a fellow Texan! I rode for years. And will again someday soon. Good luck!
  • kapease
    kapease Posts: 12 Member
    Hey, welcome aboard. I am just starting to get into the swing of making healthier choices. I have been on here for some time, but really just started to be more committed. I log everything during the work week, but not so much on weekends. I log everything, even the unhealthy choices, because it really helps me to see the calorie, carb and fat content of the foods I eat. Then, the next time I think about the unhealthy choice, I have the figures in my head and ask, "is it worth the 28 grams of carbs??" It is getting easier to say NO!!
    I am doing cardio via daily dog walks and 2 days of strength training at the gym. It helps a lot.
    Good luck on your journey!!
  • Rsharp76
    Rsharp76 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks guys! Just found this site yesterday and I'm pretty pumped. I was using a different app for calorie counting but this one seems very easy to use and since it's posted online, I think it will keep me more accountable. I'm really looking forward to losing the weight so I can become more active. There are a lot of things I have passed on because of my size and that's a shame. Back on the horse (or in this case my poor bicycle lol)!
  • bearsgal9
    bearsgal9 Posts: 65
    Wow... first so jealous about you taking off and just seeing the country. I have debated, on more than one occasion, doing that (well similar, I was thinking Europe) but sometimes you just need that time away to sort everything out in the brain. :)

    Good luck with your journey!! The people on here are awesome and encouraging!! :) If you want more support (and who doesn't) feel free to add me.