Help! Light exersise for work and home needed!

Okay so. When I'm at work standing around (I work at McDonald's and usually am in back drive through taking orders and money)--so when I am at work, are there little exercises I can do to help build up my arms and legs and even tone my stomach a bit. Or if I'm at home, not going anywhere but I don't want to build up a sweat.


  • bump
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    What are your goals with regards to this exercise?

    Any exercises that are worth doing are pretty much going to raise a sweat. But there are little ones you can do, whether or not they would help on their own I don't know. But you could do calf raises while standing; squats and lunges are always good for leg and core strength (but will raise a sweat if done right).
  • I know that the best ones raise a sweat. I just work so much so I was hoping there was some sort of exercise I could do at work that would not make me stinky. I'd like it to help tone the muscles in my arms and legs.

    Also I wouldn't mind some exercises that do cause for sweating when I'm at home. I don't have a lot of work out equipment and I've heard sit ups are actually bad for your back.
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    walking to and from work?
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    I have free weights at home (1 lb, 3 lb, 5 lb, 8 lb, 10 lb). I also have an exercise ball that I use pretty frequently. I know I am not working up a sweat using these, but I feel better using them and know I am doing my body good, even if I can only get a 10-15 min workout in with them.

    Youtube and Pinterest have a lot of great workout activities you can do using these! I also have done the Popsugar/Fitsugar workouts (found on Youtube) that are only 10 min each but really work your body!

    Otherwise, when the weather is nice, I walk. I bike with my kiddos. I go out and shoot hoops with my boys.

    If you don't have a ton of time to work out to the point of breaking a sweat, don't worry. As long as you are doing something to move/be active, you are doing your body good :)
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    star jumps are good or step ups, running up and down the stairs. anything to get your heart rate up :) or get a dvd or follow exercise routines on youtube. im sure you can find 30 day shred on there :) x
  • SwordLadySilence
    SwordLadySilence Posts: 3 Member
    Sit-ups are bad for your back if you do them too much/incorrectly.

    At work: Calf raises, squats, wall push-ups are decent toners. Do sets of 10-15, when you get time throughout the day.

    At home: Plank is one of best all-over body toners I know. Will work the abs, back, shoulders, all the core muscles. Hold for as long as you can, try to gradually increase the time you're able to hold it.

    My tai chi instructor also had us do something called "standing meditation" that weirdly produces a cardio workout without moving... stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, back upright, arms raised over your head and slightly in front, as if you're holding a large ball. The weight of your arms should fall between your shoulder blades (not your upper shoulders; make sure you're engaging the correct muscles). You should feel all your weight falling on your quads, about halfway between your knees and hips. You should NOT feel strain on knees. Like with plank, hold as long as you can. This is harder than it sounds! Keeping your quads engaged like that (and checking yourself periodically to make sure you haven't straightened your legs) requires so much bloodflow that it actually does raise your heart rate. You'll also get a fantastic "burn". When you get to the point where you can hold it through a 30-min tv show, (and that will probably take weeks of practice) lower your stance (bend your knees more) - it changes the angle at which you're engaging the muscle, and starts all over from an endurance perspective.

    Lunges are great for toning legs and butt, but make sure that you stretch first or you'll pull a groin muscle.
  • Awesome guys! Thanks. And I walk to work when I can but I live in Houston so walking super early in the morning or at 10 at night isn't very safe or I'd do it. I love walking! I'd start running but I don't know how to run properly where I'm not messing up my feet. I know that sounds stupid but there is a correct way to run and I haven't had the time to learn and would rather ask someone who knows. You know?

    But I will for sure take these into consideration!

    What about those videos like Taeboe (sp?). Are those good? Or bad for my body? I don't want to over do it and hurt myself since I am just starting out.
  • SwordLadySilence
    SwordLadySilence Posts: 3 Member
    The videos can be good, but you want to pick one that starts at your current fitness level. Haven't tried tae-bo or the others specifically, but look for something that rates whether it's for beginners or not. The key with the cardio videos (especially the ones with kicks and punches) is to not over-extend into the moves. You can pull muscles by trying to punch as hard or kick as high as the people in the video.
  • Okay cool. :D Thanks!
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    At work you could always do things like clean your work station frequently, all the wiping down would include stretching, squatting, reaching, etc. Plus it would earn points with the manager :wink:

    There at lots of free workouts you could do at home, google body weight exercises and check out youtube and fitnessblender, just find something you like to do.
  • bigbadbeancounter
    bigbadbeancounter Posts: 5 Member
    That does seem to be some good advice! My husband works at a Zaxby's and always seems to be a little more pooped on days where he's had a lot of cleaning to do (even though that meant fewer customers than normal).
  • raggiemom
    raggiemom Posts: 139 Member
    good advice here