slim fast diet

I started the slim fast diet 12 days ago now and I've already lost 8lb and I'm thrilled to bits. I love the shakes they are delicious and work perfect for me as this diet allows you to eat up to 6 times a day. I'm currently 12 stone 10 pounds and a size 14/16 in clothing. I would love to be at least 10 stone before my birthday (July). Am I being unrealistic or is this possible? I would like some tips on what to swap my beloved carbs with e.g. potato, pasta. Also any exercise that will help me reach my goal but not being too strenuous due to bad back. I would love to hear off anyone who has got some useful info for me, thanks :smooched: :smooched: :smooched:


  • dwbotti
    dwbotti Posts: 29
    Most diets suggest 5-6 meals a day if they're structured correctly. The idea is to keep the body in a constant metabolic burn. There are an awful lot of chemicals and artificial ingredients in Slim Fast so be aware that can also impact your weight loss.

    What kind of exercise can you do? What kind do you like? You can find good options with low impact routines like Pilates, Yoga, or Tai Chi. There are usually options for more intense workouts that don't require a lot of pounding on the back.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    in....for broscience...
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    Hey there! Congrats on your loss. I used slim fast years ago and it gave me severe constipation. I was young then and although I lost the weight I am still paying for it to this day. I would make sure that you are getting a lot of fiber when using it or something to get you regular (TMI I am sure)!!! Walking is an easy low impact exercise that you may do with your back problems even if it is not for long periods of time. You should see what your doctor would recommend as well. I am also a carb-o-holic. I substituted sweet potatoes for white potatoes and whole grain pasta for the white pasta. It is working out nicely. I have learned to love sweet potato fries which is my biggest weakness. Good luck to you
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Slim fast isn't a magic diet. You are still eating in a deficit and most likely have lost a bit of early water weight to attribute to the 8 many people do when starting a calorie restriction. I am not a fan of meal replacement, but prefer to eat my food and just keep things in check. If meal replacements works for you, then awesome (and I'm being serious), and I hope you have continued success. Just know that long term success often is achieved when you make changes that can be maintained for the long term because eventually, you will stop drinking Slim Fast and have to learn how to eat real food again.

    As for exercise, do what you can and enjoy. Again, something that you will be able to do for the long term.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    in....for broscience...

    Me too. :drinker:
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss! I tried doing slim fast and other fadish things but they only worked for a short time.

    This time around I'm counting calories and working out. I cut carbs out, not because I think I'll lose more weight ,but because they make me feel terrible.

    I eat alot of protein and I've found I don't have to starve! I feel good all day and I'm more focused. I say do what works for you but make sure you can sustain it. Good luck!
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    If you have a bad back, I would get fitted for new shoes (and possibly custom insoles if recommended). I have a bad back from two car accidents and having well fitting shoes that cushion my walk really made a difference for what was comfortable. They will be more expensive and require a trip to a specialized store.

    I don't know stones, so not sure how overweight, but just start with neighborhood walking.

    For pasta, look for a variety that has whole grains and added protein. Then reduce your portion and add a side of steamed veggies. When we have pasta and you look at my plate, half my plate is pasta, and half is steamed broccoli. Neither side is "heaping" so if I finish up and find that I'm still hungry (after waiting 15-20 minute to see if that's really true) I'll do something like have a cup of blackberries for dessert.