Feeling Frustrated

bear2303 Posts: 252 Member
I have been on my fitness and health journey for about 3 weeks now. I have been doing pretty well (at least I think so) but the thing that I am having a really hard time with is eating out at restaurants! I go out a lot for work lunches and it is so frustrating that there are so few healthy and satisfying options on the menus. Even when you do order something healthy the portion is out of control!!!

It just makes it so frustrating to always have to edit down or omit things from a menu item EVERYWHERE!!! What are you tips and tricks for staying within your limits while eating out?


  • jwelsh5
    jwelsh5 Posts: 2 Member
    Whenever I eat out, I skip the entire menu..kind of. I go straight to the side orders and order whatever vegetable they have. With that, I order just a simple piece of grilled chicken or if they have a baked potato, I go for that. Or if you're going to a chain restaurant, look up their menu online and look at the nutrition info. Plan what you're going to eat before you get there. I know it can be very boring but after you finish your meal and feel satisfied (not regretfully full) you'll know you made a good choice.
    Not sure which kind of job you work, but i have a 9-5 desk job and I make sure to bring my own lunch everyday so i'm not put into the restaurant situations...especially when I'm craving something that is not good for me! It was tough at first because my co-workers always go out for lunch, but I now use my lunch time as "me time". I walk the first 30 minutes and eat my lunch at my desk for the remaining time. I'm not sure if you can try to do something like that, but if you can, i hope it works for you!
  • raelia
    raelia Posts: 23
    I love to go out and eat! Here are a few of my tips/tricks:

    Instead of fries, I choose a plain baked potato.
    I check calories before I go into the restaurant.
    I only choose restaurants that have items for me.
    I always order dressings/condiments on the side.
    I ask for "no cheese" and avoid bread on the table.
    I eat half the portion and take the rest home.
    I choose grilled options.
    I choose steamed vegetables if available.
    I take the side salad option with no cheese (or light cheese), light croutons, and dressing on the side.

    I can eat a steak dinner from somewhere. If it is a 6 oz steak, I cut it in half. I choose a baked potato with a side salad or veggies.
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    when i got to the pub, once a week or so, i've started ordering an 8oz steak with salad, I find it easier to log - I know that the 8oz is approximate but it's better than eyeballing, then i use a little vinegar on the salad rather than dressing

    once i've finished i sometimes allow myself one or two chips

    i've also managed this with other grilled proteins like tuna or salmon steaks and it seems to work quite well

    good luck
  • bear2303
    bear2303 Posts: 252 Member
    Whenever I eat out, I skip the entire menu..kind of. I go straight to the side orders and order whatever vegetable they have. With that, I order just a simple piece of grilled chicken or if they have a baked potato, I go for that. Or if you're going to a chain restaurant, look up their menu online and look at the nutrition info. Plan what you're going to eat before you get there. I know it can be very boring but after you finish your meal and feel satisfied (not regretfully full) you'll know you made a good choice.
    Not sure which kind of job you work, but i have a 9-5 desk job and I make sure to bring my own lunch everyday so i'm not put into the restaurant situations...especially when I'm craving something that is not good for me! It was tough at first because my co-workers always go out for lunch, but I now use my lunch time as "me time". I walk the first 30 minutes and eat my lunch at my desk for the remaining time. I'm not sure if you can try to do something like that, but if you can, i hope it works for you!

    Thank you! I mostly do try to go home and make my own lunch but my job is a typical office job but we do a lot of lunch meetings with clients so I don't always have a choice! Just makes me sad to always have to order something off menu when everyone else is ordering appetizers, dessert and a full blown meal! I know it will be worth it in the end but since I am at the start of this all it makes me a bit sad :/
  • bear2303
    bear2303 Posts: 252 Member
    I love to go out and eat! Here are a few of my tips/tricks:

    Instead of fries, I choose a plain baked potato.
    I check calories before I go into the restaurant.
    I only choose restaurants that have items for me.
    I always order dressings/condiments on the side.
    I ask for "no cheese" and avoid bread on the table.
    I eat half the portion and take the rest home.
    I choose grilled options.
    I choose steamed vegetables if available.
    I take the side salad option with no cheese (or light cheese), light croutons, and dressing on the side.

    I can eat a steak dinner from somewhere. If it is a 6 oz steak, I cut it in half. I choose a baked potato with a side salad or veggies.

    Do you ever have the waitstaff box up half of it from the start? I have thought of doing that but I never had, wonder what the response from the server would be?
  • raelia
    raelia Posts: 23
    I usually ask for a box when I order a meal I know I will not finish. If they look at me funny, I tell them how much weight I lost! I have never been denied a box, so go ahead and ask!
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    getting your leftovers boxed up was something I did a lot in the US - but it isn't so common in the UK

    I just try to remember, I'm not a kid anymore, I am an adult and I am responsible for my own eating habits (good or bad)
    I not longer have to clear my plate, if i've had enough ('cos i'm full or i've met my calorie goal for the day) - I can stop, I can leave what i don't eat

    at home i package leftovers, but in a restaurant I can just leave them if i want to
  • bear2303
    bear2303 Posts: 252 Member
    I usually ask for a box when I order a meal I know I will not finish. If they look at me funny, I tell them how much weight I lost! I have never been denied a box, so go ahead and ask!

    Thank you!