Bit cheesy, but you CAN do it because I just did

Hey, yeah sorry - bit of a cheesy thread but I'm feeling the love right now and just wanted to share. I started this year feeling very down and overweight. Somehow I found the strength to feel it was time to make a change. A friend recommended this site to me and I began my journey. To date I've lost 38lbs. Well done me, yeah yeah. ;)

That's not why I'm posting this thread - I'm posting because I want to fire up and give hope to anyone who's reading this just starting their journey that it IS POSSIBLE. If you commit to making a life-style change and really want it then you'll get there.

Not much has changed in my life since January, but my weight-loss and improved health has made me feel so much more positive about facing the stress we all naturally face on planet Earth.

If I can lose 38 pounds, then anyone can. It really is worth it. Good luck to you all. Mike x


  • FrankDavis86
    FrankDavis86 Posts: 8 Member
    If you commit to making a life-style change

    This is golden right here. I had not realized this before and it's what has been giving me great results.

    In the past, I had tried to lose weight. But I was only going on a temporary diet. I mean, if I lost the pounds I wanted, I would go back to my old eating habits and the weight came back on. It was a loop.

    Until recently I realized that I had to change my lifestyle, not just to diet. Therefore, I started a plan to eat healthy, exercise and treat my body right.

    It is giving me great results. Far better than the ones I saw in the past. And I feel much better and stronger :)
  • zealey77
    zealey77 Posts: 104
    100% Mr Frank. Lifestyle change is the key. Congratulations on your personal breakthrough and success. M
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I often feel the same way...

    I have yo yo'd the same 20lbs...going between 180-205 for 20 years..sometimes getting down to 165...sometimes down to 175...but the range mentioned first was where I usually was.

    And after 20 years...and I know it's 20 years as my son turns 20 this year I am finally prepregnancy weight...actually 2 lbs lighter and at that time I was in the army doing a lot of physical work as I was combat arms...

    If I can do it...anyone can...

    Congrats to you on figuring it out...feels great when it finally clicks...
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    yup yup. I pretty much eat everything I did before just smaller portions... and mix in healthy snacks to help me stay full longer.
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    Great thread OP.

    I felt like this over the weekend. Thanks to the advice on this site, I purchased the right shoes and yesterday I ran the entire 3 miles! I felt like I had won the lottery and my feet don't hurt.

    I'm a different person and stories like yours changed my life. So thank you for sharing. You all are making a difference in people's lives. Congrats on your weightloss!
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    Big congrats to you! I have lost 38 lbs since December as well but I have more to lose, it can be done.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    Yes! I'm happy to have you on my friends list... you're an inspiration! Keep on keepin' on with the lifestyle change :D