Food Allergies and new friends

Hi! I am looking for some friends that have food allergies. I was 41 years old when all my food allergies was diagnosed. I am allergic to (scallops, black pepper-yes really crazy, dairy and almonds). There are several others(rice, oats, beef and lettuce) but I just can't mix them or I get sick. I was hoping to find some friends who are in the same boat and see how they managed daily eating.


  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I was a child when I was tested on three different occasions and given three completely different lists, all of which were long enough to pretty much stand in the way of life. If you were diagnosed by a M.D. and have a severe allergy then I would worry about it, but don't be afraid to experiment and find what works. I eventually grew out of mine.
  • KezJB
    KezJB Posts: 33 Member
    I'm wheat intolerant.
    I'm also a veggie which is a choice, obviously, but makes me a pretty bad dinner guest!!
    I go through fits and spurts with my wheat intolerance. Sometimes I can have some cake or something and be OK, other times I eat a biscuit and am in agony!
  • amjo2693
    amjo2693 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi! I was diagnosed with a sulfite allergy this past fall. Sulfites are used as a preservative and pesticide in foods and are pretty much in everything. They can be found in seafood, wine, bottled water, salt, black pepper (yes, me too!), soaker pads in meat packages, and a gazillion other things. Although I do stray sometimes, I basically eat only organic meats, fruits, vegetables, and nuts along with a few other foods. My reactions are always different though. I believe I may have issues with wheat too, although it has not been diagnosed. Please feel free to add me!
  • ralbs37
    ralbs37 Posts: 2
    I am SEVERALY allergic to anything with soy. It is ridiculously hard to find things to eat and I dread going out with people because of cross contamination. Not only is soy in food but shampoos, conditioners, candles, certain inks, clothing...etc. UGG VERY ANNOYING ALLERGY! Luckily we have health food stores that I can find some things to eat, but I've become an incredible cook these last couple of years with making fantastic organic recipes. Basically I have to avoid shopping on the inside isles of a grocery store and stay on the outside. I understand that food allergies suck sometimes but it does help you become creative in what you can eat! ;p Please feel free to add me.