I know there are more of you out there...

who have created/deleted more than one MFP account in an attempt to "start over". Let's "start over" as friends? Go team!


  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    Yup, so many of us are trying to have another go at it. Hopefully it will be more permanent this time. ;)

    But with dedication I'm sure we can all reach our goals and not have to go through this again. :)
  • BrittDoesIt
    BrittDoesIt Posts: 54 Member
    haha I'm right there with ya, back again!
  • acsbeck
    acsbeck Posts: 9
    I think I'm on my 4th or 5th user name now XD

    6th time's the charm!
  • tdubs413
    tdubs413 Posts: 13
    The feeling of a new account is pretty great... None of the disappointment in not keeping up a good "streak" or reminders of the 2 weeks where Easter candy was a constant. I know accountability is important and you have to log the good and the bad... but why not start new with ALL good? We can so do this!
  • amandasalmon
    amandasalmon Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I would love some encouragement. I love health and fitness and I've been using MFP for awhile now. I've been serious about it twice so I'm really hoping this time I will keep going and reach my goals. I feel like I have so far to go still. I'm around 195lb, 36 years old, four kids (9, 7, 5, 2.75 years old). I go to gym 3 times a week for weight training or TRX, I've recently started doing HIIT after my weight routines and doing Tabata at home on my off days. Anyway, we'll see where this all goes!
  • fourluvbugs
    fourluvbugs Posts: 194 Member
    Bwah ha ha! I kept my first user time, but this is my second go round. This is the one that will count!
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    The fact that you're here is what's important! I highly recommend folks to set realistic weight loss goals. I started using weight watchers about 1.5 years ago and transitioned to fitness pal 2 months ago and I haven't lot too much weight in the time, maybe 15 lbs. But even though that's slow and I've taken breaks here and there, at least I'm still losing weight.

    Remember, it took time to build weight and it'll take time to lose it. You guys are doing great, keep up the good work.
  • amandasalmon
    amandasalmon Posts: 2 Member
    I also did weight watchers successfully back in 2004 and became a Lifetime member. I went back after each baby I had but this last time, PPD was very bad, I sat and ate chips & chocolate most evenings and so I'm convinced it's THAT fat that is hanging around. I've been going to the gym since last July and going back and forth on eating okay and eating terribly. Now I'm eating mostly good and my weight is so high (feeling discouraged). I'm hoping for a real change soon. How did you decide how many Cals to eat? MFP suggested 1270 for me which seemed way too low so I am aiming at 1500. How did you ladies decide what amount to eat?