Running First Marathon.. Advice please?


I am running my first full marathon in a couple of months. I have 6 hours to complete the marathon.

Normally I am an 11 minute miler at a comfortable "forever pace" I like to call it. I did my weekly long run of 18 miles this past weekend, and of course it was not easy. I took a few walk breaks and a break to eat a banana.. I really didn't "rush" at all.

I finished the 18 miles in just about 4 hours. This is about 13 minutes and 20 seconds per average mile. If I were to implement that time into a marathon time... I would barley make 6 hours. I guess this make my motivation die because I have a goal of 5 hours.

I have done 3 half marathons with my best time being 2:14.

I guess I am just hoping I will get a better time than barley making 6 hours.

Any advice to gain back motivation? Is it normal to run the training long runs a bit slower than race day?


  • hunterjumper642
    hunterjumper642 Posts: 115 Member has some great training plans. You can choose beginner or intermediate depending on how you feel. I think the marathon itself should be motivational for you. you CAN hit that goal of five hours- let that motivate you to train.

    By following a training plan, accountability is established. I LOVE to run and am going to do a marathon around the same time so feel free to friend me. :)
  • PinkCuda13
    PinkCuda13 Posts: 11 Member
    I am definitely on a training plan with lifting, speed training and long runs. I am following the plan as well. I guess my question is on race day, do people typically do better than their training runs? I usually end up faster than when I train due to nerves, anticipation and the feel of race day.

    Good luck on your race! :)
  • Nickle526
    Nickle526 Posts: 239 Member
    in for advice, I am running my first marathon in September :)
  • SpleenThief
    SpleenThief Posts: 293 Member
    I guess my question is on race day, do people typically do better than their training runs? I usually end up faster than when I train due to nerves, anticipation and the feel of race day.

    Good luck on your race! :)

    For first timers? Typically not.

    Completing a marathon and racing are two different things. If you're looking to complete, you're most likely not going to go any faster than your long training runs. Training volume will certainly have an effect on this outcome. I'd say pick a plan, track your training very carefully and honestly and 2-3 weeks prior to race day we can have a discussion about race day based on the training you've done.

    Personal experience: trying to run a marathon based on the pace you would like to run vs the pace you've actually trained for makes for a horrific race day. I know this is not unique to my experience