Greetings and salutations! I need friends!

JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
Hi. I'm Jennifer. I just found this place about 6 weeks ago, and it has been incredibly helpful.

I'm 47, and a stay at home mom to a 12 year old boy who is autistic, and a very active 4 year old girl.

l was only a little overweight until we moved to the Austin area last October, when I fell off the wagon. Heck, I think I ATE the wagon. I suffer from pretty severe allergies (more than one doctor has suggested that I was allergic to Texas) which are kept under control by a raw food diet. So not only did I gain a lot of weight in the last five months, but I was taking up to 10 Benedryl a day, which does not make one feel like exercising- or doing anything else for that matter! (with the exception of eating and couching.)

So now I log everything I eat, and every minute I exercise, and It's working so far, but I could use some support! (We went to the fair yesterday, and I walked right by the funnel cakes and batter fried mushrooms- but it was a close call!)


  • isade3
    isade3 Posts: 7
    Your intro made me laugh. : ) I'm logging every single thing possible too. You sound pretty awesome, request sent.
  • raelia
    raelia Posts: 23
    When I was pregnant, I wanted a funnel cake soooo bad. I craved those evil things for months. I was not able to find them! I log everything I eat and I weigh all my food. Anyone can add me as a friend. I am active on MFP every day.