Focus T25 Accountability Group

Hi guys! I am putting together a 30 day challenge group for Focus T25 that will start April 28th!

If you have seen anything about T25, you know it can deliver serious results in a short amount of time. I am personally starting my second round after losing 10 pounds and 6 inches in the first! It's the program that helped me get over my plateau!

If you want in on my accountability group, you will need to:

1. Be serious about your health and wellness
2. Be committed to 25 minutes a day working out with the T25 program
3. Be committed to eating a clean, healthy diet
4. Check in daily in the group
5. Help share and inspire others!

This group will be run on Facebook, privately. The encouragement and accountability will be there to help us all get ourselves in some seriously awesome shape! This group will be open to anyone willing to follow those five basic guidelines.

If you are interested in this kind of program or accountability group, please respond to this post or send me a private message!


  • therealkat
    therealkat Posts: 53 Member
    Still happily accepting those who are interested :D
  • therealkat
    therealkat Posts: 53 Member
    One more bump for a delightful Friday night :D
  • Zendrick
    Zendrick Posts: 83 Member
    I'm down.
    I just finished my 2nd week of Alpha
  • Zendrick
    Zendrick Posts: 83 Member
    Let's talk food... I need ideas that are yummy and filling :)
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    I'd be interested I did a round back in august and ready to do another
  • metimemum
    metimemum Posts: 27 Member
    I'm interested - I'm starting on April 28th as well. bring it on.
  • cballard2
    cballard2 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm definitely interested. Just ordered it and it should be here next week. I've very overweight...needing to lose about 100-115 lbs. so I need all the encouragement I can get!
  • rachelbrantonrn
    rachelbrantonrn Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to be a part of an accountability group again. I did one for T25 last year starting in July, I lost 25lbs and a ton of inches. I'm only 10 pounds to my goal weight now, but can't seem to get motivated again (after I had to rest from a stress fracture training for a half marathon). The accountability And knowing I wasn't in this alone is what revved me up and kept me knowing I needed to get it done regardless of what else was going on! Please let me know the link to the group and I can't wait to start again!!! I've been looking for a T25 accountability group for months again and can't believe I finally stumbled on one!! I'm so excited!
  • tmj4477
    tmj4477 Posts: 145 Member
    I am very interested and I'm starting the program Monday please add me!
  • therealkat
    therealkat Posts: 53 Member
    Last call, guys! Please read my last post about adding me on Facebook. :) Looking forward to it!
  • auburngirl06
    auburngirl06 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm just finishing week 5 Alpha. Starting Beta round Monday. All in for a accountability group :)
  • tahiramarie
    tahiramarie Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in! I start on Monday too and I'm going to need as much motivation as I can get. It's on like pong!
  • tmj4477
    tmj4477 Posts: 145 Member
    I have not been able to find you on Facebook
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    I'm in too! I was going to wait until May 5th to start but the girl who asked for buddies has not replied so I'm going back to my original plan of starting Monday :)
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    I have not been able to find you on Facebook

    Look in her profile and she has a link -
  • sunshyne0284
    sunshyne0284 Posts: 11 Member
    I dont know if its too late but me and my husband plan to start today after work. and would love to keep up with having accountability partners.
  • I'm in a different group but am starting my T25 program today, 04/28/2014. Now if I can just keep the nutrition part in line and it may work.
  • Jsheff22
    Jsheff22 Posts: 2
    I just started Focus T25 today as well and decided to get back on track on here and saw this post. I am definitely interested in joining the group! Hope it's not too late.
  • spotsonmyapple
    spotsonmyapple Posts: 7 Member
    I'd like to join please!
  • I'd love to join also! I did one week of it awhile ago but couldn't keep up with, lack of motivation. I'm currently about 7-8 lbs away from my goal so if I could drop that (or more) that would be awesome!! Accountability group is something I definitely need though, I'm really bad at sticking with things.