New to My Fitness Pal

dpnino Posts: 10 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
What's up everybody? I'm new to and this is my 5th day logging in. So far I'm doing really well! I hope to be able to network and get know many of you and hopefully we can work together to help spread health and wellness! Happy New Year!


  • JoyBellz
    JoyBellz Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome! :smile:
  • Good luck with your goals.
  • dpnino
    dpnino Posts: 10 Member
    Thank You joybellz and tiggerlilly!
  • I'm new too :) So excited about this site!
  • Glad people are joining up! I am so thankful for this site it's so easy to use, also very easy to access from your phone which is helpful. I hope you enjoy your time here and let me know if you ever need anything, I know I had lots of questions at first.
  • You are welcome
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome aboard. You are in the right place for motiovation and support.
    Ive been here since July and altho I went off track a little during the holidays I have been very successfull.
    When you really want it this is definitely a great way of doing it.

    The principles behind this method will stand you in great stead for a long term life style chnage that we help you avhieve your goal.

    This is a marathon, not a sprint. some weeks you might not lose or even gain, but by logging everything you eat you can see where you went off track and learn from that.

    Good Luck, try to get a group of friends on here who will comment and support you on your journey

    Gem x
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