Has anyone used Fitness Blender (Sorry I'm a Newbie ;))

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has used Fitness Blender and had success. So far I've been doing their workouts for a month and I will admit I do feel better in myself. How did you put your routines together or? I'm not using their already made programs. Any information is appreciated. Thank you. :D


  • beansjellytots
    beansjellytots Posts: 4 Member
    I USE IT ALL THE TIME it is reallygood :) another one to use is blogilates you can find the website and on youtube
    Fitness blender is better for if you are just starting out but if you are looking for a challenge and a quick burn in your muscles blogilates is good for that :)
    also i do use their ready made videos but sometimes i dont and just do the exercises that i feel i like or need to work on
  • beansjellytots
    beansjellytots Posts: 4 Member
    they have a video for how to make your own workout visit their site :)
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I love FB!!! I actually bought their 4 week fat loss program (the low impact version) and that's how I got started :) I've switched to working out at a gym but it was SUPER awesome to do at home and I LOVE Kelli and Daniel. Best videos ever.
  • a_doublej
    a_doublej Posts: 11 Member
    It's a great site!!
  • xjennipherx
    Thank you all for replying I appreciate it.

    Aww fair enough then. Well I can't really afford to go to the gym as I am saving for a holiday and last time I was at the gym I didn't really know what to do so these home workouts are good enough for me at the moment :) I will definitely have to check the blogilates website out too. I'm slowly getting my food on track as I do find it hard.

    At the moment I do:
    Monday- Strength training total body
    Tuesday- Cardio
    Wednesday- Strength training total body
    Thursday- Cardio
    Friday- Strength training total body

    I use all fitness blender videos. Do you think this is effective or do I need to change or add a few things. I think I will be adding abs exercises to my cardio workouts.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I love Fitness Blender, I use mostly their strength training workouts. I also use Be Fit, also on Youtube.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I use FitnessBlender almost exclusively for my workouts. I can only get to the gym one night per week, so the rest of the week is done in my spare bedroom with Kelly and Daniel. They're awesome. :)
  • Slim_strategy
    I used it today! :p
  • xjennipherx
    Aww lovely well I've got BeFit in my youtube subscriptions so I'll check them out too :). Can anyone remember when they started showing visual appearance from the workouts? I know it takes a while and I'm not exactly a big girl I'm 9 stone so it will probably take longer for me to lose anything or might be gaining as I'm losing.

    What are your routines like if you got one? :)
  • sarainiowa
    sarainiowa Posts: 287 Member
    I use Fitness Blender and love it. I used it way more when I was starting out. Now I mix it with just one video per day and then a gym or class workout.
  • GummyBears7779
    GummyBears7779 Posts: 35 Member
    Yupppp, not vru often tho, but theyre workouts r epic
  • Rielyn
    Rielyn Posts: 150 Member
    It's pretty much the only thing I use right now! I just go through the night before my workout and pick something that looks fun and fits in my time frame (30-40 min) If I do an upper body strength video one day I will make sure to do more of a lower body workout the next day. I usually only do a straight cardio video once or twice a week because I prefer the strength videos. I'm gearing myself up to do a 1000 calorie burn workout this weekend - I'm not sure I will survive.
  • xjennipherx
    Aww nice yes they are pretty cool and I've recommended them to my family and friends. I tried a kickboxing one yesterday and I'm aching today haha. Let me know how the 1000 workout goes I want to try that soon :)
  • miissalexandria
    miissalexandria Posts: 430 Member
    Awesome. A friend of mine told me about F.B. a long time ago, but last week when I finally decided to kick my behind back into gear I looked into it. I started the 8 week for busy people program this past sunday. Although I started doing some of the video's before then. ... My legs were too sore to start any earlier. - I like it so far. My family take up a lot of my time, and I'm not willing to spend hours upon hours at the gym like I did last year. I want my fitness to be part of my life, not my whole life so I really enjoy that I can do this at home and spend no longer than 30-40minutes a day and get a decent burn.

    I'm discovering that I'm a "box checker" and like to have things planned out which is probably why I started their program instead of just floating around to whichever video's I can find.

    Good luck! :)
  • Debbi2309
    Debbi2309 Posts: 58 Member
    Yes I use fitness blender everyday am currently doing the 8 week fat loss round 1 and the busy people one to, love it, i love the workouts cuz there is such a variety and its not same thing each time, and i always get a good sweat so I know i have pushed myself, been recommending them to anyone that will listen, and got a few friends and family hooked on them now too, I finally got the courage to try a 1000 calorie workout last saturday, i planned to do it that day but was very tired after very little sleep but didnt back out didnt manage to hit 1000 but i got 720 which i am impressed with.
  • vanhoosedesign
    vanhoosedesign Posts: 12 Member
    My husband and I have been using fitness blender since June 2013 and we love it. I'm currently on Round 3 of their 8 week fat loss programs and own all of their other programs because I love the diversity and not having to figure anything out on my own and can just dive in and get it done. I haven't gone to the gym once since I started my fat loss/getting healthy journey andI don't regret it at all since the workout programs are intense if you are giving it all you got and doing the non-beginner programs. We did buy some Powerblock adjustable weights to replace the annoying individual hand weights we had before to save space. I've been seriously enjoying the freedom of not having to motivate myself go to a gym since I don't like working out around others and using sweaty machines. The cost of their programs are super cheap, and with the well thought out approach and variation, it's well worth it. I don't know why I ever paid for a gym membership before!