Getting Started...Again...

ETA: P.S. at the bottom

The point of this post is that I really need new friends/motivators.

I could probably relate to most people on MFP in some way or the other. I have started, stopped, and started MFP several times (this is the 4th (!!!!). I have always struggled with body issues, both in my confidence and with my actual weight. I am recently married and let our fun adventures and the excitement of being newlyweds get in the way of having a healthy lifestyle. My clothes don't fit the way I want them to, or they don't fit at all.

But I want to change all these things, and I am going to change all these things. Because I don't want to be a "quitter", because I can't stand being judged by my own family, because I want to be the best version of myself for my husband and our future children. But most of all, because I love myself - this is the only body I have been given, and I owe it to myself to take care of it.

If you are new on here, re-starting your program, or have been on here a while, add me. Everyone needs friends and motivators! I promise to be a cheerleader for you on your journey of health. :)

P.S. I am totally an open book! My diary is open, I have a kik if you want to chat, and I will be honest with all my friends about my personal journey!


  • Hi.
    I am restarting my journey for second time, I am adding you.....
  • J3n1f3r78
    J3n1f3r78 Posts: 1 Member
    I can relate completely! Adding you!
  • tdubs413
    tdubs413 Posts: 13
    I'm pretty sure you just described me in your original post. Glad we are in this together!
  • SNOflake888
    SNOflake888 Posts: 71 Member
    Believe me, you are not alone! I'm in the exact same place in my life! Friend requests for all you lovely ladies are sent!
  • _SweetCaroline_
    _SweetCaroline_ Posts: 22 Member
    I'm restarting as well. Need to focus on getting healthy and losing weight! Tired of yo yoing.
  • kristencali32
    kristencali32 Posts: 6 Member
    I never believed people in high school when they would say that my eating habits would catch up with me. Now I have gained 10 pounds and need to fit back into my clothes!! :) I also need to form better eating habits so I hope this site helps. :)
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    feel free to add me. I have been battling this weight loss journey on and off since I was 15 so I understand the struggles of losing and gaining and working at keeping it off. I keep my food diary public and I'm pretty active on here. :smile:
  • Just started Insanity today. wow is all I can say. If I can figure out how to add you, I sure will. Good luck
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    yep same here lol adding.
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    been there
  • Hello, I too am restarting as of today for the 3rd time. I could blame it on a number of things, work...stress.... blah... blah... But honestly I feel like they are all excuses for me. I truly want to lose this weight and feel good about myself again. But I seem to be in a continuous circle. :) anyway, enough about me, I really hope it works out this time for everyone... I am currently 60 lbs over weight according to my height and age... So... let the games begin...
  • Kassidi21
    Kassidi21 Posts: 267 Member
    Sounds like me!!! Feel free to add!
  • I am on the Insanity and Hip Hop Abs lol ... wow is right :)
  • Amy01Liz
    Amy01Liz Posts: 73 Member
    I am so adding you! Lets rock this!