so gutted

So I was doing really well all day on my first day of many of eating my calories and no more. I lifted my weights. I ate correctly. Then it gets to 9pm and I cave and eat way too much crap and am now 1600 calories over my daily allowance (chocolate). I was made redundant last week from my job and since I am a little unsure of my calories I should be eating. I'm 5 ft 7 male. 15.12 stone. I run about 8-10 miles a week and lift weights 3 days. Any ideas? I'm best man at a wedding at the end of June and would love to be low 14's or around that. I just can't seem to get my head in the game. All day i can and at night I screw it up. Sorry for the pointless rant post. Can anyone relate?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Happens. Make sure you're eating enough during the day so you're not so hungry at night and make less than fabulous choices.

    I calculated my calories at:
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    If you can't control you're late night eating try and remove the temptation, get the foods you would eat late at night out of your house. Or just go to bed?
  • thatch1234
    thatch1234 Posts: 276 Member
    Yeah I guess so but I don't sleep very easily so not really an option but a good idea. The thing is I doubt I'm even hungry, it's probably that I'm used to doing it for a couple weeks and now it's normal. So frustrating. I can just see myself getting to June with no change and I would be gutted. Really would be gutted
  • I know how you feel - I'm always hungry just before bed. But instead of fighting it, why not save some of the calories from your daily allowance for a pre-bed snack?

    I've spent years having bad sleep patterns because I'm too hungry to drift off and forcing myself to have breakfast first thing in the morning when I'm not hungry because I was always told that it's right. Now I try to listen to my body. If I'm not hungry in the morning until 10 or 11, I won't eat until then. If I'm hungry before bed, then I'll have something. It doesn't have to be a massive binge, sometimes a cup of sleep tea/glass of water (in case I'm just thirsty) or a few tablespoons of peanut butter will do the trick. I sleep better and I feel better - it might be worth a try!
  • hurton
    hurton Posts: 15 Member
    Try microwave 100 cal popcorn.
  • thatch1234
    thatch1234 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi, some real good ideas here that I'm definitely going to try. I always think eating late will be bad so I try not to eat after about 6:30pm. But I don't sleep until 12-1am so I'm starving by then. I spoke it's better to eat 200 cals that I'm allowed rather than 1600 I'm not...
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    I'm about to go park my butt on my seat and play my N64 before bed. You can't get hungry if you're distracted!