Adding low-carb/keto component

I have been trying to lose weight actively since January by adding 9Rounds kickboxing workouts 2-3 times per week. I lost some inches, but nothing as dramatic as I'd hoped. In February, I added a calorie restriction with MFP, which has worked for me in the past but this time around isn't helping as much as I'd hoped. Fiancé and I decided yesterday to try low-carb for at least 2 weeks and see if we get better results. /r/keto is the best resource I have found so far!

I have my bridal shower in 2 weeks, and wedding in a little less than 2 months! I know the size/shape/mass of a person's body isn't that important in the grand scheme of things, but I'm hopeful that I can get rid of 10 pounds or so in the very near future. Cross your fingers for me. Support welcome.

Generated by Keto Calculator 7.3
25/F/5'3" | CW 155 | 38% BF | Lightly active
1557 kcal Goal, a 20% deficit. (650 min, 1947 max)
30g Carbohydrates
65g Protein (58g min, 96g max)
131g Fat (30g min, 174g max)


  • Firehawk734
    Firehawk734 Posts: 132 Member
    Keto is very tough. Be mentally ready. I find about 4 days into a keto cycle I start to get a little loopy. 3 days in I start feeling tired (body is converting energy sources from carbs to fat burning).

    Just be may really suck for the first week or 2. You can do it!

    If you are a fan of eating protein and fat, it won't be as hard as if you're not a fan of eating a lot of those two things.

    Edit: One other thing, if you suffer from any kind of anxiety disorders (panic, general anxiety, etc) expect those things to be exacerbated by very low carb diets. I'm speaking first hand on that!
  • mstorvik
    mstorvik Posts: 356 Member
    That's so interesting because my anxiety seemed to diminish to nothing when I eat keto - and I sleep deeper and need less sleep, too. I know it effects everyone differently... So interesting!
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I would also add that if you are making the transition, cut way back on the exercise until you are keto adapted.
  • Firehawk734
    Firehawk734 Posts: 132 Member
    That's so interesting because my anxiety seemed to diminish to nothing when I eat keto - and I sleep deeper and need less sleep, too. I know it effects everyone differently... So interesting!

    My anxiety levels magnified x 5. I am extremely sensitive to bodily function and sensations (heart beats, etc). I had atrial fib when I was 25 (10 years ago) and it scared the crap out of me, which is the start of the problems I have with anxiety and panic nowadays.

    Keto really bothered my generalized anxiety levels. Things were heightened. I felt "off" a lot more and naturally for anxiety sufferers that factors into it. Panic disorder-wise I don't think I had much of a problem, no more than usual anyway ;).

    I found that i craved carbs less after the first couple of weeks. I wish i could stay on the diet, but with my anxiety issues after around day 4, my days suck.
  • skirtlongjacket
    skirtlongjacket Posts: 41 Member
    I'm going to stay at 2-3 workouts per week, and just listen to my body as far as how hard to push it. Day 2 had been pretty good although I think tomorrow I will bring more snacks to work. I was hungry by the end of the day. Also I thought the minestrone I made would have fewer net carbs, but after plugging it in the MFP recipe machine, I see that either the navy beans or canned tomatoes or both shot the carb content moderately high.

    No issues with anxiety or depression, although I am hypothyroid so hopefully I'm not f-ing myself over in that regard. All I want to do is lose 10 or 15 pounds over a couple weeks. I'll weigh myself at the end of the week.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I'm hypo as well and eat a restricted carb diet, though not truly low enough to be in the keto category. I've known plenty of hypo folks that do keto and seem to be fine on it, so I don't think it will impact you in that way. I second the recommendations to keep exercise low while you're getting through the "carb flu" -- walks should be the most until you notice the energy levels go back up (burning ketones at that point). Otherwise, depending on how long it takes your body to switch to ketones, it can be really exhausting.
  • Good luck. The low-carb thing works for me! I am seeing a nutritionist and not only do I keep the carbs down but high fiber and protein goes with it. High fiber in the range of 50mg a day is recommended for me. Hope it all works out for you, but don't get a to worked up about ten pounds. Our female bodies can go up and down 5 to 10 lbs within a month.
  • beepaz
    beepaz Posts: 42 Member
    i noticed the same with my anxiety. i'm also very sensitive to palpitations and such. also, i felt like i was going to pass out on day 4, i wasnt sure if maybe my blood sugars were low so i had some orange juice, about 1/4 a cup then laid down. not sure if laying down or juice helped. after that though i still continued low carb and i felt fine, my energy levels were amazing, i could get my heart rate up and stay in that high zone for a while, and i was sleeping so great and my mood was better. i have a hard time giving up beer though so i screwed up this last weekend. now i have to start over :( anywho, if anyone would like to be keto pals feel free to add me :)