The Holy Grail of weight loss days

is here 01/01/11 and just how many folks who START their "diet" on January 1st actually are still on it by January 2nd? IF you are starting today, remember it is just a day and if you eat one bad thing, it is not a reason to quit. Take it one meal at a time; all of us who have lost weight have had many starts to make it to our finish. Just wanting to encourage those of you who are beginning today to set realistic goals and not try to change everything all at once. Start walking before you try to run a marathon; eat healthy and often rather than starve yourself and cave at the end of the day. Wishing you success on your journey in 2011!


  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Very wise words!! Only thing I would add is every little step toward health is a step in the right direction. Like yesterday, I was pressed for time, so I couldn't do my 50 minute workout. But I rode the stationary bike for 22 minutes! "Better than nothing" is my motto. :bigsmile:
  • glike
    glike Posts: 17
    'Vey smart words from both of you'...May you have a Happy Healthy 2011!
  • NZGeekGirl
    Agree with both of you! Weight loss involves a lifestyle change, that can be pretty daunting at first so taking it one step at time is best and be kind to yourself!