New here and hoping to make it work for story!

I am a 52 yr old female that has been struggling with my weight, as well as other issues for sometime now. It all started with back pain that would not go away. Then severe foot pain as well as female problems that eventually needed surgery (3 times). Then a couple years ago my doctor told me I have Fibromyalgia and that was why I am in so much pain all the time. He has put me on several different meds. but no luck. I have since in this time went from 127 lbs up to 170! Now last month doc put me on cholesterol meds cause it is too high! I really want to try to get my life back but I have tried and failed so many times! Hoping this will help get me on track since I have it on my phone too so I can keep track of my eating habits easier. So wish me luck folks and I am pulling for all of you too!!! My goal is to lose 35 lbs and start exercising more. Today I have already descovered that I am eating way too much sugar...I am at -10 and it is only 3pm! So that little bit of info is already an eye opener!!! Good Luck All and Happy New Year!!!!


  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Good luck to you!!
  • CarolHudson11
    My first day logging in my food was a real eye-opener, too. Welcome to it! You'll find a lot of supportive people here. Friend request sent! We can do it together. :happy:
  • 2labs4me
    I also just started and I'm 51 and very out of shape! I never had a weight issue before and I am so discusted with myself. I hope we can share stories along our journey..

  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    this is a great site. I am 47 and also have fibromyalgia , I gained alot of weight due to being in pain all the time, meds and comfort eating. I started on here in mid july and have lost 44lbs so far. You can do it. Feel free to add me as a friend