Food logging question

Hi everyone!

I am starting to log my food tomorrow and wanted to start to get some items in there so I can figure out the calories. How do you log grilled chicken? I am not sure how many oz = calories. I think the logging is confusing so that is why I wanted to check.



  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    If I'm preparing it myself I weigh it before I cook it. Then look up that meat - say boneless, skinless chicken breast - uncooked in the database.
  • Thanks is much that helped! I was really confused at first. Hoping I can log. I don't get internet access at work so this will be difficult
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Do you have a smart phone? There are apps available both in GooglePlay and iTunes.
  • mamabanana
    mamabanana Posts: 62 Member
    Also I would suggest to get a food scale (20-25$) and weigh and measure as accurately as possible. I was very surprised to see my assumption was different than the reality. I am better at eyeballing now, but food scale is very useful. Sometimes I am not able to log in right away, so write everything down to log later. You may go over a few times as part of the learning curve.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    First go get a food scale. It will be an important way to ensure your eating at a deficit. Then from there, you can weigh your chicken and log it accurately. Without a scale, it's just a rough guess and most people eat way more then they think they do. Your going to be shocked at what a serving really looks like. I know I was!! Good luck! :-)
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    If you log your food on the computer the entries that are set by MFP are ones without an *. Foods that are entered by MFP users may not be correct. Always check your entries, even foods scanned using the phone app can be incorrect. My scanned jar of raspberry jam comes up as strawberry.

    Best to search using plural forms ie apples instead of apple. Using a qualifier like fruit, vegetable, nut, raw also helps. It is best to weigh meat raw.

    Weigh all foods except for liquids that can be measured.

    If you cant use the internet to log what you ate, you can also write it down in a notebook and log when you get home. I have pages of a notebook with written foods and weights. I haven't entered them into MFP though :blushing:
    Studies have shown that even just writing down what you are eating gives you an awareness to help keeping within your goals.

    You will be surprised how high in calorie some foods are.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I find that I need to pre count all my food before work otherwise I cheat :(
  • candysleirer
    candysleirer Posts: 28 Member
    My opinion is to be as honest as you can and not sweat it. Now I will say I have only been one here for like 8 days, but I did lose 10lbs the honest way in my first week. I truly do the best I can to enter the calculations in. If it says half cup chopped, I may change it to .25 chopped. If it says 3oz. I go by my visual of an old 1oz shot glass and how much of that food it would hold. If I went for a walk and went up 2 different hills I may enter only a 45min. walk at mod pace and not count the min. that I was walking uphill. It really is something you just have to commit to long term and learn through the process and get better at. You CAN DO IT!!!! Just keep trying!