Focus T25 - who's with me



  • Guitar1969
    Guitar1969 Posts: 33 Member
    I am finishing up week 2 Alpha. The first week is tough, especially because the moves are a bit hard to get down along with trying to keep up, but now I have probably 75% of them down, and modifying much less than the first week. The Total Body Circuit is by far the hardest one for me (Don't really have much of it down yet) and I see that as the weeks progress TBC becomes the main workout - I think we do 3 of them in that final week. The good news is I can feel my body is getting in condition. I have one more workout tonight (Of the double workout) and then I am off for the weekend (I don't really do the stretch on Sunday but I do the cooldowns mostly).
  • zbobbsemple
    zbobbsemple Posts: 38 Member
    I am into week 3 of Alpha with my husband and it is kicking my butt, but I love it. My stomach is already getting defined. I am following Tonya ( modified version) and feeling good.
  • zbobbsemple
    zbobbsemple Posts: 38 Member
    I don't do the stretch either Guitar1969, instead on Saturdays I do 30 minutes of elliptical exercise to complete my 6 days of exercise.
  • jajsmom
    jajsmom Posts: 22 Member
    I just finished up week 2 of Alpha. The first week was a little difficult trying to learn the moves and keep up with them. I can't always keep up with their speed or high knees/kicks, but I do the best that I can do.
  • Yetta729
    Yetta729 Posts: 68 Member
    I just scheduled my FocusT25 on BeachBody Super gym, starting Monday April28 as well.
    Add me as a friend.

    I have finished two complete rounds of TurboFire ... I love Chalene, but need a change ... I am happy, Shaun has a modifier now, my knee still hurts a bit
  • I start on Monday, April 28th. I cant wait!! Has anyone made any recipes that come with the pack? Sunday is my meal prep day, today is the day I decide what im gonna prep for....what your favorite recipes?
  • I'm with you too! Just received my DVD's a couple day ago, and am thrilled to get started! I'm totally in! I just did my first workout today, and I feel like I'm accomplishing something, it's a good feeling.
  • Iorns78
    Iorns78 Posts: 118 Member
    My Alpha does not work but I am coming to the end of my second week of Beta! You can add me as well!
  • JenniB619
    JenniB619 Posts: 85 Member
    I know I've posted this earlier but if you guys are interested in joining my FB challenge group just add me as a friend so I know who's in and can keep up with who's interested and invite u to the group.

    Also, I know some of you are not fans but if you're interested I'd also love to be your coach for that extra motivation and support. I am by no means trying to push or sell anything to anyone that they aren't Interested in. I just share my story and what works for me. :)
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    I'm in!!!
  • sunshyne0284
    sunshyne0284 Posts: 11 Member
    I will be starting Focus T25 with my husband today, looking forward to the journey of challenges.
  • I started T25 today too! I'm not gonna lie, after the 1st 5 minutes I was pooped. but after a short water break I kept going and finished! I was so glad they had the one girl on there doing the modified workouts! That makes it so much easier and realistic for beginners!! We should all post every STATurday with our weekly accomplishments! Lets keep each other motivated!
  • Fyfeminstrel
    Fyfeminstrel Posts: 2 Member
    I just started T25 today as well. Cardio was challenging but really good! Was able to follow the more experienced guys for the most part and look to the low impact moves when I needed a quick breather.

    Looking forward to tomorrow's workout for sure! :-)
  • DDHunnie
    DDHunnie Posts: 31 Member
    Doing my second round which started Saturday! Feel free to add!
  • Hi! Im waiting on UPS & I'll be starting today. Good Luck!!
  • Did day one today... was able to FOR THE MOST part do the non modified version... BUT I have no shame saying I needed some breaks at times... you have to start somewhere and today it was with little breaks and modification.
  • Jsheff22
    Jsheff22 Posts: 2
    I also did Day 1-Cardio today. I finished it with minimal breaks, but it was intense! Bring on Day 2!
  • Tito3697
    Tito3697 Posts: 7 Member
    I just started gamma today and did speed 3.0. WHEW!!! It killed me but was a real good workout.
  • Count me in too !!!
  • Neroniko
    Neroniko Posts: 1 Member
    Im in. I started yesterday anyway :)