Day 2 and already had a pity party ...are you kidding me!

Becre8tive Posts: 108 Member
I started yesterday, right when I signed up. I didn't want to wait until tomorrow (today) I was so excited. I have superpowers, I quit smoking I can do anything now.

My healthy Dinner was in the oven, accompanied by a not so healthy Dinner for my husband (he works hard and doesn't need to lose weight)....and I felt so sorry for myself. Poor little me has to give up cake and candy and what about the wine I wanted to have? I felt so sorry for myself on DAY 2...what is wrong with me?

When I gave up smoking I learned to let my cravings pass. I learned I don't die if I don't give it.

I started my own blog, I will yell and scream, I will be pathetic and will sound pity full. I will be comical and hysterical....BUT I am going to lose those 60 lbs.

It stops is the second day of a new healthy lifestyle! Yesterday was the last day of being FAT....I am going down (weight wise)


  • brandnewneek
    brandnewneek Posts: 31 Member
    I'm on day 2 as well. My husband wears a size 30 pant and eats whatever the hell he wants... =( I"m doing OK. He's being supportive and eating what I cook, he is just getting bigger portions!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Once it becomes a true lifestyle change, the pity party ends. You will no longer look at it the way you are now. My husband eats cakes, milkshakes, and so on almost daily, in front of me. I don't think twice about it. I see it as I'm working towards a goalbody and to get to that goal, I can't have all those treats daily. Don't get me wrong, I do have a treat meal weekly, but as far as the daily pity party, that's a thing of the past!! Instead of dragging myself to the gym, I can't wait to go. Things change after a while, so it won't be hard for long :-) just stick with it :-)
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Three days.

    That's how long it took for the intense smoking cravings to pass for me. That's also how long it took for the overeating cravings to ease up. I yelled with my girlfriend, told her I was STARVING!! However, I knew that, if I could quit smoking? I can do anything! Including this. Yell, scream, throw a fit .. literally.. throw a fit. Stomp and cuss and jump around. Burns calories!

    OH! By the way!!!

    I did NOT give up cookies and ice cream and cake! I will not because I'm not on a diet. I am changing my eating habits and I don't plan to do without sweets. I work them into my calorie count and enjoy a reasonable portion rather than as much as I can fit in a bowl.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I'm on day 2 as well. My husband wears a size 30 pant and eats whatever the hell he wants... =( I"m doing OK. He's being supportive and eating what I cook, he is just getting bigger portions!

    I can relate - I knew I had a problem on my hands when I suddenly couldn't fit into my boyfriend's comfy pants (yanno, the ones with the stretchy waist band...) :^\

    We will do this!! And we'll be skinnier than our significant others, some day :)
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    I hear ya!!!! I'm trying to get over the bump where I learn what makes me full and what is worth the calories. oh boy!!!!

    I agree with the other poster that you don't have to cut out your favorite things, you just eat less and you plan around it so you make sure you have the calories available to eat that cake, or drink that glass of wine.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Two things:

    1) Many of us women broke the cardinal rule of not dating/marrying a guy whose butt was smaller than ours

    2) I recently realized if I want something really badly but have used too many calories that day, I can either go take a long enough walk to earn it, or wait and eat it tomorrow first thing, because I get to start over with my entire calorie count then! Easy-peasy
  • ccf_trainer
    ccf_trainer Posts: 86 Member
    Completely normal. You are making progress. Stick with it, and I promise you will see a huge change.
  • ConnieLynnBennett
    LOL you need to put up something on the fridge to look at instead of your husbands dinner. A nice dress that you would love to fit into or a bathing suit that you wouldn't dream of wearing now...or better yet..plunk in his dinner calories and see what you would weigh in 5 weeks if you ate like that ..I was tempted to have a few glasses of sherry the other night so plunked into the calorie counter first...ohhh myyy I so did not want those empty calories, so grabbed a nice herbal tea and went to bed. It will get better..
  • WVmom24
    WVmom24 Posts: 266 Member
    I say this with love
    CHILL OUT! :)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Two things:

    1) Many of us women broke the cardinal rule of not dating/marrying a guy whose butt was smaller than ours

    2) I recently realized if I want something really badly but have used too many calories that day, I can either go take a long enough walk to earn it, or wait and eat it tomorrow first thing, because I get to start over with my entire calorie count then! Easy-peasy

    this was a rule?
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    You don't have to give up cake and wine and candy. Just have a little less cake and wine and candy and work it into your daily/weekly goals.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Two things:

    1) Many of us women broke the cardinal rule of not dating/marrying a guy whose butt was smaller than ours

    2) I recently realized if I want something really badly but have used too many calories that day, I can either go take a long enough walk to earn it, or wait and eat it tomorrow first thing, because I get to start over with my entire calorie count then! Easy-peasy

    this was a rule?

    Now I'm thinking about my fiance's butt.
    I'm pretty sure we're almost the same size, butt-wise.
    If I can get him to stay still for five seconds and grab the tape measure...
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I am attracted to guys bigger than I am but would've changed that if a guy was nice enough!
    You can have sweets/wine/whatever just not as as many as a guy!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Are you making things too difficult for yourself? You don't have to give up all the things you love to lose weight.... you have to decrease the portion sizes and fit them in your calorie goal. you can have some cake and wine if you like....

    1. set your MFP goal to lose 1lb a week (or 0.5lb a week if you only have 10lb to lose or less) - yes it's slower, but you have to aim for long term compliance. This is not a temporary torture to get to a goal weight then revert back to old ways and get fat again.... that's yo-yo dieting and that's worse for health than just being permanently obese............. take the weight loss slowly and focus on making small, sustainable changes. You don't need to starve yourself, you just need to eat less than you burn off

    2. find some exercise you enjoy, log it and eat back 80% of your exercise calories. This gives you more calories to fit in the foods that you don't want to give up. You won't gain weight eating them, so long as you weigh them and log them accurately and stay within your calorie goal. It must be exercise you enjoy.... this is a lifestyle change for permanent fat loss, not temporary torture for yo-yo dieting.

    3. ensure you're eating enough protein, fruits, veggies etc.... but when you've met your nutritional needs, you can use the remaining calories how you want.

    4. don't stress........... aim for long term success... yes it's slower but this way you stick with it long term and stay at your goal weight for life.

    5. if you have a bad day, don't stress. Going over your calories once in a while won't do you any harm (bear this in mind for parties etc) - don't go OTT but do give yourself room to enjoy the foods you want. You can always do more exercise to get extra calories. Enjoying food, including social events with food, is a good thing.... it's just a matter of learning the correct portion sizes to enjoy food and also lose fat and maintain a healthy weight for life.... lots of people on this site have succeeded this way... and it's common to see people starting out with a way too restrictive diet, then falling down and beating themselves up over it.... you don't need to be so restrictive. You just need to be sure you're feeding your body properly (i.e. protein and vitamins etc) and sticking to your calorie goal (which includes being accurate about logging your food - weighing food is the most accurate way to do this).
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Some of the replies in this thread -facepalm-


    Anyway, you don't have to give up the foods you love.
    What I suggest you do is that you find foods that keep you full longer and are low calorie, so that you are able to still have "snacks" during the day that fit the amount of calories that you have allotted for that day.
  • FitFunLosAngeles
    FitFunLosAngeles Posts: 36 Member
    I have pity parties all the time for myself! I just don't let them outweigh the times when I am motivated, for the most part. You don't have to be perfect.
    If I may -- personally I find it easier if I just have smaller portions of the same healthy food as my husband. The "separate dinner" thing is tiring -- and as you found out leads to pity parties!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Let me guess - you told MFP you'd like to lose 2lb per week and it's given you a measley 1200 calorie goal?

    If so adjust this to lose 0.5 or 1 lb per week. You'll have a much more sustainable goal which will allow you to eat the odd cup cake and glass of wine while you still lose weight. If you're struggling at Day 2 can you really see yourself keeping this up long term?
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    You'll be fine. Its just the readjustment thing kicking in. And yes, you're not going to have all the wine and cake you had before but you know that you can have some. You might want to look again at your goals and see if the 1200, if that's what you've got, is realistic and maybe set your goals a little looser to give yourself some wiggle room.

    I'm much shorter than you and my cals are 1370. With some planned exercise and all my meals worked out the day before (and stuck too) I managed a small glass of wine on that yesterday (friend's birthday). I'm at the end of week one - this time round - and I know my groundhog days will come in about another fortnight but we're all different. The point is you quit smoking by finding a way to make it work for you and you can do the same here too.
  • brandnewneek
    brandnewneek Posts: 31 Member
    I'm on day 2 as well. My husband wears a size 30 pant and eats whatever the hell he wants... =( I"m doing OK. He's being supportive and eating what I cook, he is just getting bigger portions!

    I can relate - I knew I had a problem on my hands when I suddenly couldn't fit into my boyfriend's comfy pants (yanno, the ones with the stretchy waist band...) :^\

    We will do this!! And we'll be skinnier than our significant others, some day :)

    HAHA If only, I think my bones alone are bigger than him!!! I've never even been his size! I do plan on getting pretty damn close though!!
  • toomuchsweetness
    toomuchsweetness Posts: 168 Member
    I have recently started another new journey.. the last one ended on a 35 lb loss that i slowly regained :( However, my philosophy
    coming from a true chocoholic is that if I want cake candy or cookies... I have to exercise to earn them. They are not part of my daily food intake,, they are only earned. Good luck.. you can and will do this. Nothing worth having comes easily :)