New to the site 26yrs old 65lbs to lose

I will never turn down a friend invitation however I am looking for some people who are similar to myself in regards to age/weightloss.
I dont have kids
I work an office job
Veggies are not delicious! :-)
Please feel free to ad me!


  • smeasha21
    smeasha21 Posts: 25 Member
    starting to feel alone lol
  • princessjazie
    princessjazie Posts: 6 Member
    I am 27 with 50 pounds to lose. I have no kids, 2 dogs and a sit down job lol.
  • ElanorS3
    ElanorS3 Posts: 3

    I am new to the site, I have no kids and I dont work (probably why I have been struggling to lose weight) too much time on my hands. I have 20 plus pounds to lose that I gained this past year. I fell in love with my dream guy (thats the good part) but BAM with that love came all this weight! UGh all we do is eat, and its fine because hes a guy and works out all the time but I cant do that! Im a girl! My body and metabolism is different! Help!!!! How are you guys doing?
  • smeasha21
    smeasha21 Posts: 25 Member
    I added you Jazie

    Elanor -- This site is really good to track what you are actually putting into your body. I knew I overate but I had no idea just how much! What about working out with him? Does he eat unhealthy?
  • ElanorS3
    ElanorS3 Posts: 3
    hey thanks for the ad!

    You are right, and I was surprised that they have (so far) had all the specific brands of food which makes it so convenient! The good news is he just bought me a bike a few days ago so we are trying to ride everyday! Fortunately I have always been athletic but have made the mistake of being like "ohh I worked out" so therefore I can binge eat...He eats I would say 75 % healthy, like he likes vegetables, fruit, his mom cooks a lot of healthy food which he eats, we very RARELY eat fast food, he has a sweet tooth though...

    and yeah I have always had a problem with overeating, like even in highschool when I was pretty thin I would occasionally crazy binge eat, like it is shocking how much I can eat!! and how even if I was SOOO full to the point of discomfort, I would still eat! the other day I had 3 big cinnamon buns with creamcheese frosting (really good but like 900 cals each), a family size bag of chips a container or hummus, and like 3 pieces of pizza, and that was just the afternoon/dinner. like WHAT THE HELL!! Thats NOT right lol...

    Another side note, I used to smoke cigarettes and party a lot and now I dont do either of those things so I think the weight has crept on a bit since stopping my unhealthy addictions and was replaced with food addiction..

    How is your diet going?? What healthy foods do you like to eat? Do you workout?
  • fordmusic
    fordmusic Posts: 20 Member
    You are not alone!!! I am 27 with 60 lbs to lose. I too have a desk job and sit pretty much all day. Welcome to the club lol!
  • jedikrissy
    jedikrissy Posts: 106 Member
    Your not alone I was were you where when I stated two years ago the only difference is I was 28 when I joined.
    I did not think veggies where delicious either lol but surprisingly now I do! :P

    I have already reached my goal it only took me 9 months, feel free to add me if you have any questions. I am not on here as much as I use to be. But I am still here a few times a week.

    You can do this! Cheers! :drinker:
  • Thoth8
    Thoth8 Posts: 107
    same here, everyone's free to add me
  • Same here! (Except the bit about the veggies) :-)
  • smeasha21
    smeasha21 Posts: 25 Member
    Elanor -- sorry I stopped my email notifications because they were plugging up my email but then I started missing a lot of stuff so I just turned it back on!

    Anyhow, things are going pretty good so far.
    Just less than 20 pounds in a month -- however it was the first month and lost a lot of water weight bloatedness the first week. Now its the hard part...ugh! I hope I can stick with this!
    I have been pretty good with exercising however nothing too crazy. My hips get very irritated quickly so it can be a bit of a challenge some days. I did start going back to physio though so hopefully they can give me a few more ideas as to what I can do - I also bought a good pair of shoes which helps! Now I have to get orthotics! I have a heart rate monitor that I use and when my hips are feeling good I usually walk/jog and keep myself within my range....when it drops i jog until it gets near the top and then go back to a walk again. I also like this for calorie counting (I do my best not to eat back calories though -- I use this more just to see what I'm doing to see where I can improve)
    As for the eating I have been doing an okay job staying within my macros however I am still eating a lot of processed food. With easter and my birthday all in the past week though I am quite impressed with myself.
    I like a few veggies (turnup, carrots and broccoli raw and brussel sprouts and asperagus cooked)
    I really like fruit but the sugar in there can be quite challenging. I bought a yonana's "icecream" machine which is quite nice to help get through a craving.
    After I get through all the processes junk I bought on my last grocery trip I am going to try my best to cut back on that, as well I am hoping to get off wheat and dairy for a bit because I think thats hindering me more than helping!

    How are things going for you??

    Anyone else looking for more friends by all means feel free to add me :-)
  • I added you, I am 25 and wanting to lose about 80 pounds.
    I work in an office as well.
  • Nerdybookworm1990
    Nerdybookworm1990 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 23 with about 100 pounds to lose, feel free to add, and we can help each other motivated :)
  • I'm 19, with 30lbs to lose, and no kids. I have a standing job, but not exactly active. Let's be friends!!
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    I am 27 and I have lost about 75lbs!! You can do this. I have been able to do things not that I never thought would be possible. Feel free to add me
  • smeasha21
    smeasha21 Posts: 25 Member
    I have added everyone who offered.

    Thanks everyone!
  • Kimmy7777
    Kimmy7777 Posts: 79
    Hey! Feel free to add me for motivational support! I log frequently.
  • smeasha21
    smeasha21 Posts: 25 Member
    Just went through my friends list and deleted a bunch of people who seem to have jumped ship. Still looking for people who log daily and are serious/motivated.

    27 years old
    Starting 225
    Current 200
    Goal 160 (ish)
  • AngeliqueAcee
    AngeliqueAcee Posts: 59 Member
    I'm 24 and just finished uni. I've got about 40-50lbs to lose and would love some more supportive friends. I've got an open diary and log every day.
    I've only been on here for 2 weeks but I'm loving it!

    Feel free to add :)
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    i have to lose 103 lbs total... i do have kids and i dont have an office jobs and i do love veggies but i also kick *kitten* and log every damn day without fail and push myself to move my lazy butt to lose this damn weight. so if you want a friend who is accountable... you know where to find me :) x
  • GameGirl777
    GameGirl777 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 25 yrs old looking to lose weight and need motivation! I've been using MFP for a while, but only as an app on my phone. I hope adding friends and posting in the boards will help get me there! Feel free to add me.

    p.s. I like veggies; have a desk job; no kids