Am I the only one who hates water ??



  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    ....and just remembered, my first word was "water"... So, I've loved water all along. Mhm.
  • pjmilkov
    pjmilkov Posts: 2 Member
    I don't like water much either. I have added lemons with one or two envelopes of splenda to it. I fill a 2 ltr bottle and try to tell my self when It's gone then at least I did that for the day. It really does make all the difference. Also, I notice my thirst is quenched better and my appetite is suppressed some when I do make myself do it. How about tea? sun tea? something mostly water based. I am still on diet soda and I know for sure if I could let that go I would lose quicker. Diet soda tricks our bodies into thinking it is hungry when really its the stuff they use to make it that makes that happen.
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    I haven't read all the other posts but I suggest you try a sodium and sugar free carbonated water such as La Croix. They are awesome. I refer to it as "treat water." It feels like something special but it's just water.
  • harmonyhoran
    harmonyhoran Posts: 48 Member
    Don't worry I'm not a huge water drinker either. I remember seeing somones MPF food diary and saw they were having like 15 cups of water a day. I tried recording mine and I had 2-3 max even when doing to the gym regularly. If I want to keep my fluids up (especially coz im pregnant and thirsty now) I make sure I have a glass of water on the bench in the kitchen. Because its there, I see it and will have a little bit at a time. My other approach is if I feel I am hungry or thirsty, ill drink some water first before eating or having juice or whatever because my bodys says hungry, but it actually means thirsty.

    Hope that's helps! and try to keep other drinks in the house to a minimum if you really want to get into water. who wants water when theres soda, chocolate milk or juice etc
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Stick to it you build up , former water hater as well. You really will crave it in time.
  • Mauthos
    Mauthos Posts: 128 Member
    I would be screwed if I didn't like water as I don't like tea, coffee, hot chocolate and due to being diabetic I keep fruit juice to a minimum and only drink diet coke occassionally on the weekends.

    Normally I drink between 2 - 3 litres a day and sometimes, TMI alert, according to the darkness of my urine, I am still dehydrated, however, this is mainly due to the fact that whilst training I sweat, a lot!

    In all honesty though, I find nothing quenches my thirst like plain water and you will get used to it overtime and it will just become natural. However, my ex, who hated plain water, understood the importance of it and always used to add robinsons fruit squashes to it, so that may help anyway.
  • BruceHedtke
    BruceHedtke Posts: 358 Member
    I love water. Drinking it when it's very cold is not only refreshing, it also burns calories because your body has to heat the water up to your internal temperature. Double win!
  • Water has seriously helped me!
    I've only been doing this a little over 2 weeks, and drinking far more water than I used to.
    Ive managed to lose 3lbs in 2 weeks AND my skin is amazing at the moment. All through school/teens I suffered with spots/acne just on my face. My mum kept saying "drink more water" but I don't like it much and couldn't see how it'd help.. but I wish I'd drank it before! It would have saved me a lot of doctors appointments/antibiotics/creams!

    Can't get enough of it now :)
  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    I don't get why people continue to drown themselves with water. It does not burn fat...

    No, but most other hydration options are much higher in calories. If you drink too many calories, you ADD fat. So if you're drinking calorie laden beverages all day, you either get fat or you have to cut out of your food budget.

    I can't drink plain water either. I do use a lot of those flavor drops/packets (at most 10cals per). I also like Propel's flavored waters, which are calorie free. I've recently started adding small amounts of juice or coconut milk to lightly flavor my water, and they still come out to around 10 cals per bottle. I use 24 ounce bottles and drink at least two per day- one with lunch and one with/before/after my workout. Has (flavored) water MADE me lose weight? No. But it HAS made it easier to cut out highly caloric beverages that would otherwise take up half of my daily calorie allowance, letting me eat more. So I'm less likely to cheat or go over.
  • I cant stand water, but I went to my gynae on Monday and he said he thinks im dehydrating and I need to drink 4 litres a day (a bit excessive I know) so yesterday I drank 1.5litres and today not done so well, and drank 750ml...will try and drink all 1.5litres before I go home from work.

    I add lemon to my water to make it taste nice.

  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    Water? Once I start drinking it gets easier and makes sense because it makes you feel so much better. So..make the jump.

    I also find when I drink water I do lose weight easier. Try drinking it room temperature..that helps some people. Others like it with ice. Figure out how you like it. Also…drink a glass or two when you first wake up and it gets you on track..and you almost start craving it throughout the day.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    Sometimes when you're an adult you have to do things that you don't necessarily enjoy but are beneficial to you. Suck it up, buttercup.

    Oh, and "water" isn't the only source of water. Find something else you like to drink and just make sure you track the calories in it if there are any.
  • DemetraDawn
    DemetraDawn Posts: 60 Member
    I don't. It's really hard to make myself drink it, but I bought a soda stream, and that makes it easier. I just make two liters of carbonated water in the morning, and tell myself that I have to drink it by the time I go home.
    BARBnKS Posts: 84 Member
    Always had that problem of drinking enough water but lately I have found that if I drink water which is room temperature instead of with ice it seems to go down easier & I can drink more. Also I took a measuring cup to see how much water my glass holds & found out that my glass held 2 cups of water instead of 1 so it's good to know I was drinking more than I thought. My goal this week has been to drink more water. I have found that besides urinating more it helps the bowels to move more often & the fluid that I retain in my legs is not as bad. So yes it does help with weight loss & hope you find a way to drink more, possibly adding a flavoring like Crystal Light might help it be more desirable.
  • Taylorxxlynne
    Taylorxxlynne Posts: 210 Member
    Not sure if anyone said this yet, but you can put Mio in it. It makes it taste more like juice than water and there are so many flavors.
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