injured hip!

bsweettt Posts: 56
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
So my hip has been injured for about the last 2 weeks, therefore I haven't been able to get to the gym and I feel disgusting! Add on to that, the fact that the non-exercising time equaled out with the insane holiday eating I unfortunately did..! Anyone have any good suggestions of cardio-like exercises I can do in the meantime until it heals, so that I don't continue feeling like a big blob?? (Pretty sure my hip is dislocated.. keeps getting worse!)


  • Have you been to a doctor about your hip? If it's getting worse, you should definitely get it checked out.
  • unfortunately I thought it was a sprain or something that would just heal itself, but the last few days its gotten much worse, so I'm thinking its a dislocation.. and unfortunately the doctors offices don't open back up till monday! =/
  • After you visit your doctor and get a proper diagnosis, I highly recommend you find yourself a good physical therapist. They can help you stretch and "ice" as well as teach you some exercises you can do on your own. This could easily cut your healing time in's well worth any expense (even if you only go a couple times).

    My daughter had a hip injury this summer from playing soccer. Going to a therapist has helped her immensely.

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