Leslie Sansone DVDs

Does anyone else use these videos? If so, what is your schedule? How many miles per day? What time of the day? Do you use weights or the bands? I'm trying to get back into doing these because It's dark when I get off work and I don't like the gym.


  • CABasile
    CABasile Posts: 55 Member
    I've used them in the past, mostly the 1 mile one. But I'm thinking about pulling them out again.
  • svsl0928
    svsl0928 Posts: 205 Member
    I use them on the weekends when I don't go to the gym. Depending on the time I have I do anywhere from 3 to 5 miles. I use leg weights and hand eights. Mostly in the morning but sometimes at night.
  • Geekygal85
    Geekygal85 Posts: 37 Member
    I love her videos! Because I usually don't get home from work until 5, they make it easy to just pop in and do them at home. I do a combination of a couple of the 3 mile videos and the 2 mile videos. It depends on how I feel when I get home from work as to which video I do. Seeing as I am not a fan of the gym, these have made it so easy to get in that workout I need!
  • I'm thinking about doing them in the mornings again to get it out of the way. I have been slacking on my walking and it's nice not to have to leave the house. I'm recently married and still living apart from my husband. When we live together I will definintely need an extra room to do the videos because I do not like for anyone to see me exercise, lol. I am doing a 5K walk with him in 3 weeks so I need to exercise more than I have been....and keep to my calorie goal too.....not been doing too good at either lately.
  • MamaGab92
    MamaGab92 Posts: 77 Member
    I've got the DVD with the 1 mile and the 2 mile on it. I prefer the 2 mile. And I use the band. I like it as a fallback to when I can't go outside. For example, it is pouring down rain tonight so I'm thinking about doing the 2 mile after I get home from work (after 6pm).
  • rhoule76
    rhoule76 Posts: 217 Member
    I've used the 3, 4, and 5 mile ones. I typically do them at night when I put my daughter down for bed.
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    I use them, but I use ankle weights and hand weights... I do the 5 mile...

    I love them!.. nice for when it's crappy outside and you can't go walk outside :)
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    ive heard about these dvds. where should i begin??
  • thegeorges11202004
    thegeorges11202004 Posts: 26 Member
    you tube has several of her videos (full length). I like the "boosted walking" 4 mile one with jogging intervals, and then there is a 3 mile "weight loss" one that uses light weights in the 1st and third miles and is very fast paced in the middle mile. I like to do the three mile one with some compound weight movements after each mile. it's a great workout, and FREE!
  • ElaineRN100
    ElaineRN100 Posts: 201 Member
    I have about 6 of her videos - love them. She has beginner to the more advanced. I really like the 2 I have that are 4 and 5 mile. You can do however many miles you want. They are broken into miles. I use 2 lb hand weights. You don't have to get "insane" to get a great workout in and tone your body. Most of these videos are inexpensive and can be found at Walmart. Hope you enjoy them.
  • Angieh0811
    Angieh0811 Posts: 36 Member
    I use them 3 times a week when I don't go to the gym. She cracks me up. I love the walking to the hiits radio and party songs dvd's. They work out to be 3 miles each.
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    I have her yoga, pilates and 4 different walking videos. During the winter months I would do a 4-5 mile walk a few mornings a week and strength train 3 mornings a week.
  • cardozm
    cardozm Posts: 78 Member
    hi i just started on friday . 4=25-14 ill keep posting
  • Tiny_Zg
    Tiny_Zg Posts: 15 Member
    I workout 6 times a week with her, burn more calories than with Fitnessblender :laugh:
    I'm very satisfied, I go usually with 5 miles burning fat, like 5 times, and then 1 day I go with 4 miles express :wink:
    Rarely I go for 3 miles with my 1.5 kg weights, usually when I didn't eat much that day.

    It's a discovery for me, and with 1500 kcal/day I'm losing 0.5 kg a week which is at my point good , since I have 33 more lbs to go :smile:
  • MamaGab92
    MamaGab92 Posts: 77 Member
    I like the 2 mile walk, but do feel like I need something to push me a little more. Tiny_Zg after what you said I decided to order the 5 Mile Fat Burning DVD from amazon. I'm excited to check it out!
  • Kari121869
    Kari121869 Posts: 180 Member
    I use her DVD's on youtube - usually anywhere between 2 - 5 miles depending on the amount of time I have that day after work to get exercise in.. I also do weight training at home on alternative days when I only do a 2 mile 'Leslie walk'... fitness blender arms/shoulders.
    I love her videos!! I want to buy the HIIT ones - I've tried them a couple of times on Youtube but they got 'pulled' for copyright issues :cry:
    Definitely a great part of my exercise - I don't 'do' gyms.. too expensive and I like my privacy lol
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I use her videos almost daily. Sometimes I would put in a 1 or 2 mile as a warm up to other workouts or I would use a 4 or 5 mile with weights or a resistance band or 5 lb hand weights for an overall sweaty workout or I would do a 1 or 2 mile at a lower intensity at night.

    Combined with eating smaller portions and making better food choices, her videos has helped me lose 80 lbs and maintain it for over a year. I also power walk outside, lift weights and do Pilates too all with no gym membership. :) I love her dvd's because I can get a good and an effective workout at home anytime without putting stress on my joints.

    I have so many of her dvd's, but my favorite go to's are the 3 mile Weight Loss Walk, 4 Fast Miles, the Burn Body Fat and Sculpt Your Arms series and 5 Mega Miles, but I mix up the workouts.
  • MamaGab92
    MamaGab92 Posts: 77 Member
    My 5 Mile Fat Burning DVD came in the mail on Saturday. I tried it out on Sunday. I only made it through 3 miles, but it was a great workout! I'm going to try to do it at least 5 times per week doing as many miles as I can handle on any given day.