One small change = 19 lbs.

I'm coming up on my one year anniversary of being at MFP and so I've been looking at some of the changes I've made and what I would do differently.

In the past year I started using almond milk (no sugar added) instead of 1% milk.

My average consumption of milk is 2.33 cups per day
Almond milk = 30 calories per cup
1% milk = 110 calories per cup

80 fewer calories * 2.33 cups per day * 7 days per week * 52 weeks per year = 67,850 calories per year

67,850 calories per year / 3500 calories per lb = 19.4 lbs of my weight loss attributable to using almond milk.


  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    But that one small change can't be the only thing you have changed in an entire year.
    You are more mindful of your eating in total, and you probably move and workout more.
    So you can't attribute weight loss to this one small thing unless you kept everything else exactly the same.
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    But that one small change can't be the only thing you have changed in an entire year.
    You are more mindful of your eating in total, and you probably move and workout more.
    So you can't attribute weight loss to this one small thing unless you kept everything else exactly the same.

    I don't think th OP was suggesting that all their loss was attributed to one small thing

    if fact they said that over the past year 19.4lb of their (113lb from ticker) loss was attributable to it

    I find this sort of calculation really interesting

    if course weight loss is due to many things but small, manageable changes can make a big difference (who wouldn't be happy with an extra 20lb loss to add to their target if they were trying to lose weight)

    I find this very motivating, as weight loss is about making good choices, this post reinforces that choices which may seem unimportant can actually contribut to the greater picture

    awesome job on the 113lb lost so far shaky44
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Thanks Shaky 44! I am always amazed when I see the numbers on stuff like this. My husband and I figured out if we gave up baked lays at subway with our sandwiches (my salad bowl) that it was about one pound per year. (we use to eat at subway once a week - so 100 calories x 52 weeks = 5,200 calories per year) . We now always get the apple slices or just eat our entree without chips. (40 calories x 52 weeks = 2800 calories) for a net calorie deduction of 3,400 calories per year. It may be geeky, but it really is not a big sacrifice or no sacrifice at all because I like apple slices better than chips. Not to mention lower sodium... choices can be eye opening when you apply the numbers.
  • mag104
    mag104 Posts: 35 Member
    Well done you :) I changed to almond milk for my cereal too :)
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    I can't drink the unsweetened stuff. It tastes like watered down milk to me. But I drink the regular vanilla almond milk, which I guess is better than whole milk. Good job btw!
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I drink 60,480 calories worth of coffee a year apparently! 17lb loss for me if I gave it up entirely.
    ....But I can't, haha.

    This is a very interesting topic, though! A great thought for people who need motivation, or who want to evaluate what to cut out/substitute in their lifestyle if they're trying to lose weight.

    Great job on your loss as well! 100+ lbs is phenomenal.