
day 1 of treadmill 179
day 2 of treadmill 180
day 3 of treadmill 181
day 4 (today) 182


and i'm under calorie limit
drinking water
no pop

i might as well just NOT work out??

then MAYBE i would LOSE



  • racheltrantham
    Don't worry! If you're new to working out you're probably just retaining water. You're body needs time to adjust, it'll all be worth it in the end! :)
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Don't get too discouraged by daily fluctuations. There are several factors that can affect your weight on a day to day basis (undigested food and water retention for example)
  • cassieohlaa
    I feel your pain. Before I started exercising I was just eating right and I dropped about 3 lbs within a 8 or 10 day period. Then I started exercising and my weight went back up. It was extremely discouraging. I talked to a trainer at my gym and he said the typical "muscle weighs more than fat". I've learned to concentrate more on inches and seeing a change physically. I see my stomach slimming down and my face thinning out. I know that now my heart is getting stronger and so are my muscles because exercise is becoming easier at certain levels. My advice is to stick with it and your metabolism is gonna kick in and results are coming.
  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    First off, congrats on making the effort to get moving. Remember that while the scale might not move as fast as we'd like the inside of our bodies is also reaping the benefits of a healthier lifestyle...these things we can't see. Are you eating your excercise calories? I know it works different for everyone, for me personally, I have to eat most if not all of mine. Your body is getting adjusted to the new routine and as long as you are consistant you will see results. We didn't get here overnight and the changes aren't going to happen that fast either. Try to incorporate how your body feels too...do you have more energy, etc.? Don't give up and don't be so hard on yourself...you're doing a good thing here.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Are you weigh at the same time, same spot in the same clothes? I weigh daily, well not so much anymore but in the beginning I did every day without fail. I noticed that sometimes I would gain 1-3lbs then lose a bit. I think the most important is looking at what you are doing. If you are under your calories, eating clean and exercising the scale will even out. I also found out for some reason I weigh more on Fridays..lol. Pick a day once a week and go from there. I just started back after a few months off and my first weigh in I was 147 then next day 143 and today 144. It could be up tomorrow and could be down but that is the disadvantage of daily weigh-ins, you have to be able to take the bad with the good.

    You can do this!
    New Year. New Start!
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Try to weigh yourself only once a week, in the morning before you eat anything, and without clothes (assuming you have a private place to do it). That is the most accurate way to get your readings. Otherwise, you can fluctuate several pounds within a single day, which is normal.

    Don't give up! Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint, and results will come over time if you stick with it.
  • vsangel87
    vsangel87 Posts: 108 Member
    No please don't get discouraged! Are you consuming back the calories you burn during your exercises? You have to make sure you keep your calories balanced (i.e. burning off the same amount of calories you consume and vise versa). Because what might be happening is that you might actually be consuming less than 1200 net calories each day which will also cause you to gain some weight since your body would be grabbing onto every single calories that enters your body due to "starvation."

    Another thing is that you might be weighing yourself at varying times of the day. Make sure to weight yourself at beginning of each day before you eat anything. I consider that my "true" weight. Your body will actually gain a couple of pounds throughout the day due to eating, just because of the extra mass that enters your body.

    I hope all that makes sense. Don't worry...you will lose weight for sure if you keep up with this. :) Good luck and happy new year!
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    Have you checked your sodium intake for the day? They say most people shouldn't go over 2500... I fuction best with about 1,500. When I go over, I tend to gain water weight. There are so many foods with hidden sodium, you really have to watch it. Please stick with your efforts. This is a great site, with so much support.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Dear Discouraged,

    Please put the scale away. Well at least for 2 weeks. Instead of weighing daily, look at how much longer you can stay on the treadmill. The fat will come off.
  • thefatqueen
    I weigh in every 2 weeks at my Drs office. That was I am not obsessing day to day, and it is an accurate scale.

    You have to eat enough to keep your body going.
  • Baby_Belles
    Awwww! Do not give up please! It just takes time, such a long hard wait, thats why its so hard and so few accomplish it. Well not so few plenty do, just not more.

    Exercise is key key KEY to losing weight and plus its not just the weight loss it does so many other important things for your health. I urge you to stick to it and if you can try and weigh yourself only once a week. A lot of people have weigh in wed. :) you'll drive yourself less crazy that way.
  • MelanieP_TX
    MelanieP_TX Posts: 159 Member
    Just weigh yourself once a week. Same day every week first thing in the morning. I weigh in every Friday morning at 5:30 a.m.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Do`nt get discouraged.I only wt myself 1x a month. Because I would drive myself nuts with the different wts.I know others do more frequent.Maybe wt 1st thing in the am.
    soduim in your diet also can play havoc on your body.Certain times of the month also.
    Don`t give up.There is a big support system out on this website.It`s a new year.Why not give yourself a healthy body for the new year.
    Good luck!
  • purplespeckle
    thanks everyone for the support. you have all given me good advice. i'm not going to weigh in until 1 week from now that'd be every saturday. i'm glad i have everyone at mfp to motivate me and keep me on track.