13 stone, want to be 10 by August!!

Basically I want to be in such good shape and health for Kenya when I go for six months. it will involve scorching heat and long walks as we wont have a car and I'm unbelievably unfit.

I also have lots of body fat I want rid of - any friends to help support? :)


  • Nerdybookworm1990
    Nerdybookworm1990 Posts: 35 Member
    I don't know about measuring in stone weight, but I too am looking to lose quite a lot of weight. Feel free to add me :)
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Basically I want to be in such good shape and health for Kenya when I go for six months. it will involve scorching heat and long walks as we wont have a car and I'm unbelievably unfit.

    I also have lots of body fat I want rid of - any friends to help support? :)

    Good to be aiming to be fitter and lighter. But losing 42lb in 12 weeks doesn't seem too healthy to me.

    3 1/2 lb a week is a calorie deficit of about 1750 per day. How are you going to manage to do that healthily?
    Anyway, hope it goes well
  • LaraineET25
    LaraineET25 Posts: 16 Member
    I started off just over 13 stone, aiming to be 10 stone by end of August for my 30th birthday (or as close as possible). 1 stone gone already so hopefully should end up close to goal if I keep on track!
  • 86sarahb
    86sarahb Posts: 84 Member
    Basically I want to be in such good shape and health for Kenya when I go for six months. it will involve scorching heat and long walks as we wont have a car and I'm unbelievably unfit.

    I also have lots of body fat I want rid of - any friends to help support? :)

    Good to be aiming to be fitter and lighter. But losing 42lb in 12 weeks doesn't seem too healthy to me.

    3 1/2 lb a week is a calorie deficit of about 1750 per day. How are you going to manage to do that healthily?
    Anyway, hope it goes well

    I agree, without starving yourself this is not going to happen! However, if you stick to healthy eating and exercise you should still get a great loss by August and even if it's not a loss in weight then it will definitely show in inches (which is what most are really aiming for)

    Good luck! :drinker:
  • fairyface87
    fairyface87 Posts: 52 Member
    I lost that exact amount of weight in that exact amount of time a couple of years ago. I didn't go overboard with my diet or the gym, it just sort of happened! Good luck and feel free to add me :smile: x
  • NickDoesFitness
    NickDoesFitness Posts: 112 Member
    try small meals spread out through the day. Instead of having 3/4 main meals, try and aim for 6 smaller meals. It SHOULD skyrocket your metabolism through the roof. I think it's possible to lose that much weight by then. you'd be close anyways. Let's say you've got, what 16 weeks to lose? average weight loss a week is 2-3 lbs. so, really, you could lose anything between 32lbs by then, and thats by losing 2lbs a week. Yeah you'd be 10lbs away from hitting your goal, but you'd be 32lbs closer, and believe me, 32lbs is ALOT. Good luck!
  • TODJ06
    TODJ06 Posts: 85
    Good luck to you with the weight loss! I would like to lose about 3 stone as well!!!
    Back on the wagon again (on MFP)...!!! We all can encourage each other!

    Add me peoples if you want.

  • dragonhaslanded3
    I would like to lose 3 stone by August, since July I have lost over 4 stone, averaging out about half a stone a month, but haven't stuck to my plan and diet totally and can do better.

    I have just used a formula to work out my calories needed a day which is my weight x 14 calories (276 pounds x 14 = 3864), so I am going to try and stick to around 1800 calories a day, which should result in around 4 pounds a week weight loss.

    It is x 12 calories for a woman.

    I have also found I am getting fitter so can exercise more.

    I am off to Lesotho in September so would like to be 3-4 stone lighter if possible, but if I just lose half a stone a month I will be happy, its progress. You have to listen to your body, rest when u have injuries and eat more when u feel lethargic.

    I guess the important fact is where you are starting from, the heavier you are then the easier it should be.

    Please feel free to add me anyone, I need help, but also want to help others.
  • Caitlin94189
    Caitlin94189 Posts: 2 Member
    I started at around 14st7 (203 lbs) and it has taken me over a year to get down to 12st4 (172 lbs)
    I think 3 stone is too much to try and lose in such a short time, it won't give you long term results and in the end you won't be doing yourself any favours - in fact it is unlikely you'll reach your goal and that may just leave you feeling downhearted!
    A goal of 1 to 1.5 stone is much more realistic as that means losing 1-2lbs a week until you go, which is perfectly doable :-)
    You may find you lose more, but setting yourself smaller, more reachable targets is definitely the way to reach your ultimate goal.