Bill to ban Connecticut Childcares from serving whole milk.



  • cpdiminish
    Though I understand the desire to keep the milk that contains the most nutrients, I have to wonder ... where is the call to action? Where can those who would be affected by this go to sign a petition or contact the legislators?
  • samamps88
    samamps88 Posts: 52

    I rarely drink dairy, but when I do I reach for whole or 2% milk before skim or nonfat varieties. Whole milk is the least processed. Skim milk—you know, the "healthy" option everyone was supposed to switch to at some point in the 1990s—is made by separating and removing the fat from whole milk, which leaves the remaining product a shade of bluish-gray. To make it look palatable, and replace lost protein, milk powder is added back in, via a high-temp, high-pressure process that causes the cholesterol in skim milk to oxidize. Oxidized cholesterol is carcinogenic and has been shown in to promote arterial plaque formation. Oh, and because skimming the fat strips milk of crucial vitamins A and D, synthetic (i.e., less bioavailable) versions of these vitamins are added back into the milk—a sort of pointless procedure anyway, considering our bodies can't absorb these fat-soluble vitamins properly without fat.

    Not sure exactly the way they do it in the us but here in the UK, all milk no matter whether whole or fat free is processed and the entirety of the fat content is removed and then depending what it is going to be ie whole, 2% or 0% the exact amount of fat is added back in to ensure that every batch is the same, extra stuff ie protein and milk powder is not added back in. Like I said that is UK I know the US are different in the way they process foods
  • misskris78
    misskris78 Posts: 136 Member
    Interesting. I buy whole milk for my kids and use it for cooking. No one has a weight problem. It's quite the opposite - my 4 year old is a string bean.

    As a side note, I buy milk produced by a local (although not particularly small) dairy and the whole milk does not have vitamin D added.
  • Dugleik157
    Where I live they tried to ban certain types of cheese because they were high in fat and sugar. Because those 8-16 grams of cheese (about 50 calories) a day is the reason why the kids are getting obese.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Besides the fact that skim milk is absolutely disgusting?

    I can't imagine this making it- but god help us if it does.

    I do not understand why people are so fat-phobic. It makes me sad for these people pushing this crap through. And even more sad for their kids!



    Tells you all you need to know about the authorities if they are clueless about things we do know about.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Wow, are they going to start feeding the kids weight watchers yogurts and low fat cheese as well?

    We buy full fat milk for our kids, neither has a weight problem. In fact we drink it ourselves! I sometimes buy skim milk for myself, but my husband moans at me saying it's less healthy.

    I live in England, not sure if that makes any difference to the quality of the milk.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    Same flavor of stupidity, in Manitoba, a woman was fines 10 dollars for not packing a grain in their child's lunch. This caused the day care provided to give the child ritz crackers. What was the lunch? Left over roast beef, carrots and potatoes.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    In Australia it says on lower fat varieties "Not suitable for children ... " - I think it does have an age mentioned but seems crazy to force children to drink skim milk which is pretty awful - unless it is the long-lift UHT stuff in which case it seems less watery. Ban junk food yes but not milk :noway:
  • tethar
    tethar Posts: 28 Member
    So I have a daughter. She's six now, but even at a younger age, I knew she had a growth hormone disorder. She receives a daily injection for it, but she is still small and grossly underweight.

    The school is already telling her about healthy food, vegetables, stuff like that, and to stay away from ice cream, etc. The problem is, underweight and not healthy, she needs high calorie foods. I don't like whole milk, I buy 1% for myself (I grew up in the 90s, it's what I grew up on) but whole for her because she needs it. If she is getting full on veggies and water and not getting enough fats, proteins, and calories, then she is not going to be healthy. And I know she is not the only child that is underweight and needs more in their diet.

    Not every child is the same, and treating every child as if they are the same, and different people don't have different dietary needs, is a recipe for disaster.
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    Thanks for posting this very informative and detailed explanation. It truly is time we as a people stand up to this sort of nonsense.
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends full fat milk till age 2.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    Because it's clearly the daycare milk that's making kids fat, lazy, and out of shape. Nevermind the terrible health choices during the other twenty-three and a half hours of the day.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Besides the fact that skim milk is absolutely disgusting?

    I can't imagine this making it- but god help us if it does.

    I do not understand why people are so fat-phobic. It makes me sad for these people pushing this crap through. And even more sad for their kids!

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Politicians are generally more interested in money, reelection campaigns, and power. Science? Ain't nobody got time for that!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Besides the fact that skim milk is absolutely disgusting?

    I can't imagine this making it- but god help us if it does.

    I do not understand why people are so fat-phobic. It makes me sad for these people pushing this crap through. And even more sad for their kids!


  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I would not stand for it!