Starting Again

I'm Becky Jo... I'm 30 years old. This is the 3rd attempt at losing weight. I am usually pretty effective at doing it when I stick to it. The problem is I lose 30 lbs, then lose motivation and gain it all back and then some.

I'm looking for motivated friends who can share encouragement with me. Add me if you want... send me a quick message to let me know who you are.

Thanks for reading... hope to see you guys soon.


  • slummymummy2014
    slummymummy2014 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm starting again with MFP and feeling pretty motivated to get this weight off once and for all! Anyone can feel free to add me x
  • absnjoshmum
    Hi, Im restarting Feel free to add me and we can all help each other :smile:
  • abeall1104
    abeall1104 Posts: 1 Member
    Im starting again as well. I get motivated and then something happens and I just lose my motivation. So feel free to add me.
  • bearsgal9
    bearsgal9 Posts: 65
    I started January 1st for the 3rd time. I was so good till I went on vacation to Ireland last September and was feeling fabulous then I got back and started an intense relationship that ended at the end of December. I gave myself the last week of the year to "eat my feeling" surprisingly only gained 3lbs from that. I started Jan 1st and just worked on my calories and walking a little more. Feb 1st I started the activity and now I am up to walking up to almost 300 miles for the year. If you need motivation just add me! I have a wedding I am standing up for in September and am super motivated! :) My goal is to walk 1100 miles this year!
  • KaySaver
    KaySaver Posts: 92 Member
    Well I'm starting again too. Lost the weight once, put it back on, been restarting off and on for two years. This time I've had it, I can't do this fat suit anymore. It's time to change.
  • PeanutButterLover1984
    I too am starting again. I have 18 lbs to loose, I do it every 18 months, reach my target, feel amazing then... it all goes back on! :(

    So here I am again! I have a wedding to go to in Jul which I would like to get slim for!
  • toomanycats1975
    I am also re-starting after a hiatus and regaining some weight. I lost a lot of weight before at SparkPeople, but I don't care for their phone app/interface as much, so I came here and was enjoying my time on this site. I lost a bit of weight here, but then life got me distracted, and I stopped doing what I know I need to do. I am back now, and trying to regain focus. I'd love to have some new friends so that we can encourage one another. I am 5'10", and trying to drop from 171 to 145.
  • JustMeMyHair
    I have re-joined MFP & will not leave until I met my goal of 180’ish. SW: 268 CW: 257.7. My name is Francesca & I am from the MA area. IF your looking for support feel free to add me. 1 Movement at a time, 1 better choice at a time. WE GOT THIS!