Wife is pregnant looking for help

My wife and I just found out we are pregnant and we are both extreamly excited except one thing she was really the one keeping me on track with my diet and now shes eating heathy but has the cravings for icecream and sugar and stuff that i shouldnt be eating. What im hoping is that there are a few other guys out there that maybe going though the same thing that i am and we can kinda compare notes and see how each other are doing


  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Well, my husband gained the same amount as me with my first pregnancy. :smile:

    But, I think with some will power, good choices, and good workouts you can keep things under control. Have a bite of whatever she's eating instead of a full serving, or split things with her. Go for walks together, make dinner together with lots of veggies and lean proteins. These are all things she'll need anyway, with the treats and indulgences mixed in. Trust me, you don't want to keep her away from them!! :laugh:
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
  • rjlam
    rjlam Posts: 149
    Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! When she has her cravings instead of having ice cream replace it with frozen yogurt but measure your half cup that you both can have then put it away. It's much lower in fat then regular ice cream and tastes really good. Make sure you are both drinking you water and keep to your portion control. Also take daily walks this way you are both getting your exercise. Good Luck
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    My advice is to stock up on some low cal treats and allow yourself something two hours after dinner (like Skinny Cow). That way you have something to look forward to and she has her full fat treat and you have your "skinny" treats. Also get some real flavorful caffeine free hot tea - I like Good Earth Original in Sweet & Spicy. I was never a tea drinker but this really helps A LOT with those night time cravings. The 25 calorie Diet Swiss Miss is helpful too - but the tea works better for me. I do both of these suggestions EVERY day :-)
  • DangerRanger
    DangerRanger Posts: 327 Member
    Just tell her no, that you guys have something you need to stick to, and that baby has no choice of what it eats. You two can indulge now and again, but she has to control what her body is taking in.

    Just tell her no?!?! @adamtall, DON"T DO THAT... terrible advice. She may slap the piss out of you if you take away her sugar:\
    My wife is pregnant, and eats when and whatever she wants. Don't get me wrong, she's not eating McDonalds everyday, but anything sweet, chocolate and/or sour ( CANDY), well.... that's a different story.. I'll add you as a friend and we can help each other out!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Just tell her no, that you guys have something you need to stick to, and that baby has no choice of what it eats. You two can indulge now and again, but she has to control what her body is taking in.

    Yeah, this one ISN'T going to work for her. Having gone through two pregnancies I can tell you that cravings aren't rational and when denied will only cause extreme emotional outbreaks of either anger or sadness. A crying pregnant woman is as sad as an angry pregnant woman is scary. She knows she needs to eat healthy but if the cravings are strong enough, she knows she can't control them. Let her have what she needs!

    As for what you're going through, I completely understand. My husband and I have different goals, mine to burn fat, his to build muscle. He gets to eat 3000+ calories a day while I get just over 1300. He has given up a lot of processed and prepackaged foods but it's still hard to watch him eat and eat when I know that I can't, especially since we've had all kinds of yummy Christmas goodies in the house.

    All I can say is that you have to be strong for you. You can't rely on another person to control your willpower. It sucks, and it can be hard, but that's just the way it is. You don't want to undo all your hard work, you want to keep going with your healthy diet and exercise. It's not like your wife is cheating or giving up. She's growing a human being and it's not easy. Your situations are totally different now, you just have to be strong.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Just tell her no, that you guys have something you need to stick to, and that baby has no choice of what it eats. You two can indulge now and again, but she has to control what her body is taking in.

    Just tell her no?!?! @adamtall, DON"T DO THAT... terrible advice. She may slap the piss out of you if you take away her sugar:\

    This x a million. :smile:
  • lupuslady
    WOW who ever thought telling a pregnant woman no you can not have that has never been pregnant , or has never lived with a pregnant woman. That is NUTS. I spent most of both of my pregnancies vomiting I was lucky to be able to keep down ice cream and french fries. grilled cheese sandwiches were good. But anything fresh, veggies and fruit came back up. So just help have some different choices, like frozen yogurt, and crackers,, maybe lowcal cookies. God love my ex husband, he would go out a t 9 pm and get me chocolate ice cream. Remember I had been vomiting all day.
  • rrand85
    Congrats to both of you! You guys will do great, Good Luck :)
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Just tell her no, that you guys have something you need to stick to, and that baby has no choice of what it eats. You two can indulge now and again, but she has to control what her body is taking in.

    If my husband had told me no, with either of my pregnancy he would have gotten the nearest thing chucked at his head, and a screaming banshee and a night on the couch...or something thrown at him and me a puddle of tears...I was demon when I was pregnant...
    Honestly if she is craving ice cream a small bowl once in a while is not going to hurt her. You can try replacing it with frozen yogurt, but when a pregnant woman craves something, that is what they really want.
    My husband even though he did gain weight, did remind a few times that I didn't need this or that, mostly salt and I needed more of the veggies, which was fine lol but never once did he probably out of fear for his life say the "n" word lol.
    I would also suggest, if you indulge then get her to go walking with you. Walking helps make labour easier :)
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    WOW who ever thought telling a pregnant woman no you can not have that has never been pregnant , or has never lived with a pregnant woman. That is NUTS. I spent most of both of my pregnancies vomiting I was lucky to be able to keep down ice cream and french fries. grilled cheese sandwiches were good. But anything fresh, veggies and fruit came back up. So just help have some different choices, like frozen yogurt, and crackers,, maybe lowcal cookies. God love my ex husband, he would go out a t 9 pm and get me chocolate ice cream. Remember I had been vomiting all day.

    I said it and have been pregnant four times, thank you VERY much! In fact, just because a pregnant woman claims she needs sugar because she is craving it is a crock. It all has to do with indulgence and eating whatever you want because you are "eating for two."
  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    thanks for all the advice guys she does eat pretty well and the thing that she hates is not being able to have "diet" food because of the ingrediant shes not suppose to have in them. What is killing me is her cravings are for all the stuff i love like mike and ikes and jelly beans and after she eats like 5 of them shes fine but theres the rest of the bag sitting there staring at me begging me to eat it.

    also yeah ive never told my wife no before she was pregnant not gonna start now :)
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    My husband tried to tell me no a lot about food when I was pregnant, lucky for him he was in Iraq.
  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    now shes bringing home things like peanuts and fruit smilies oh god when will the tourture end lol