Sad, Scared, Mad, Nervous, Disappointed and Determined

I'm sad that I can't seem to get this right. I'm scared that I'll be fat forever. I'm mad at myself for giving up. I'm nervous that I'll fail again. I'm disappointed in myself for not succeeding and I'm determined to not keep failing. I don't know how I'm going to do this but I don't want to keep being fat. I want to wear cute clothes. I want to walk without pain. I am a stubborn woman but why ...WHY when it comes to food and losing weight am I so weak. This is my kryptonite and hate it. I LOATHE IT! It makes me cry. Makes me feel like less of a woman. Makes me feel hideous, ugly, disgusting. I want to hide in my room in my bed and sleep my life away. But then I think of the life I truly DESIRE. I want to hike, swim, travel, fish, para sail, go to concerts and amusement parks. All the places and things I want to do but can't now. Either because I am too big and can't breathe through it or I'm too big and can't fit in the seats. I need to get this right!


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I know the feeling all too well. You can do this! Here is a great place to start:
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Below is one of my favorite posts of all time. You will always be your worst critic, but the best part is you have control of who you want to be. Do you want to focus on the positive and good or only see the failures. Don't try to conquer the world all at one time. Make small changes. Focus on setting goals that aren't scale related - getting in more veggies, drinking more water, walking farther, lifting more, etc. It's easier to stick with it when you can see the good rather than the bad. You are beautiful and can do anything. :),+you+wouldn't
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    By far, nutrition is the hardest part. We all struggle with it. You have it exactly right. Keep in mind the things that you want. Your WHY. Why are you doing this. Next time you're being tempted with food, remember the why you want to change. Are those things more important than having that snack/cheat/treat?

    You can do it. It is tough, but doable. The important thing is to be in a group of likeminded people that you can turn to that will encourage, support, and help to keep you accountable. I help to run support groups through Facebook that teach proper nutrition and how to exercise in a manner that is sustainable.

    I'm always happy to help.

  • JennyJ2015
    JennyJ2015 Posts: 154 Member
    its ok hun i think everyone feels that way sometime i know i do but just take it one day at a time youve already lost 13 pound which is a great start you doing great!!!
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    It's a long road and sometimes we hit speed bumps along the way. That's okay. Just pick yourself up and start again.

    Make small, positive changes, one at a time. You don't need to go balls to the wall, super intense, cold turkey over night. Commit to one new change a week, a month, whatever works for you. Stay the course. You won't regret it and three weeks from now you'll thank yourself for starting.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Yo guys are so Amazing. Thank you so much for your support. It gives me a ray of hope that I can do this.
  • lilliemelissa
    lilliemelissa Posts: 28 Member
    You haven't failed anything! You're here, aren't you?

    Which means you are a "WORK IN PROGRESS", not a failure. It is only failure when you give up your dreams, give up for good. Every day you wake up and make the best choices you can, you are one step closer. Every time you choose to do something for yourself: exercise, make healthier food choices, reach out for help, and silence the inner critic, you are making progress. And progress is what it's all about. Every little choice, every day, gives you the opportunity to succeed. Celebrate all your successes! And if you make the wrong choice? Well, now you know. Learn from it and move on.
    You are beautiful, you are unique. Just be the best YOU you can be!
  • cholepapi
    cholepapi Posts: 79
    Um first you are beautiful. The reason you keep hitting that barrier is because you have to get used to feeling uncomfortable.....change is difficult but the power in you will pull you through.....Let's Go!!!!
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Good for you and congratulations! Half of your battle has already been won. You are here, you are talking, you are shedding your emotions and you are trying to get healthy so again, good for you. Will can and WILL be successful, you can and will do this, I believe in you and have faith in you. We are only human and have all felt this way at one point or another in our lives. Please remember that you are a beautiful and worthy individual no matter what weight or state of mind you are in. Everything you do, starting here at this place, is a step in the right direction to enhance the awesome characteristics you already possess! Good luck on your journey, never give up, forward motion always...
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Here's something that may help that I'm trying to incorporate into my process.

    Emotions are nothing but thoughts. Thoughts are made of nothing. They can be examined, and learned from, discarded or saved, and they can trigger action or nonaction.

    Acting on your fear, your worry, your doubt, brings results that set you back.

    Acting on thoughts of strength and positivity brings you closer to your goals.

    When you have a thought of fear or doubt, remind yourself that it's only a thought and it is not YOU. You are your actions. You can purposely let that thought go and replace it with strength and positivity.

    There, that's my Pollyanna moment for today. :P