Looking for motivated friends

Hey all! I'm brand new and I am looking for some friends that are motivated. I weigh 245 pounds!!!! Im on an advanture to get rid of a lot of weight my goal is to be down to 170. Some inspiration from ya'll would be amazing. I also like to help out others as well with the same. Reply/Add me!


  • zz25
    zz25 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey T1, I am in the same boat as you. Unfortunately I have about 100 lbs to lose, but right now I am as determined as i've ever been. I've been on this roller coaster before but I really want to do this. I hope I can this time. I found this site two weeks ago and just by tracking my food, doing a bit of walking, and drinking lots of water, I have lost 10 lbs in two weeks! I just need to keep it going I guess.
  • jnvb
    jnvb Posts: 8 Member
    Hi All,
    Will add you both! I am on MFP everyday and like to give the motivation as well as receive it. It's a great way to stay on track and stay accountable. Feel free to add me as well!
    You can do this!! :flowerforyou:
  • Hey! I will add yous too :) I am on everyday and love to give AND receive the motivation!!!
  • Hi, I am new as well, I am also in the same weight, and need to be 141. I have just started as well. I will add you. :smile:
  • carrieEL
    carrieEL Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Guys, I was 309 lbs oct 1st 2012 and have lost 119lbs so far..It's been a struggle and lots of hard work but I'm here for you guys and also to keep helping myself...please add me and lets keep this healthy life going!!!
  • jnvb
    jnvb Posts: 8 Member
    Have added you all so far :smile:
  • zz25
    zz25 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow! Thanks Ladies! You are all going to be a great help to me! Thanks so much!
  • awesome_paws
    awesome_paws Posts: 17 Member
    I will add you all, I restarted yesterday and I am looking for motivation and want to help others as well!
  • callie252
    callie252 Posts: 7 Member
    I would like to add you. I just started back up last week. I' not exactly sure how to add friends yet.
  • tarak75103
    tarak75103 Posts: 23 Member
    I am new as well. I need to lose 60 pounds. I have a hard time staying at it cause to be honest I have no support system. My husband and kid can eat anything and never gain a pound. I weight 190 and would like to get to 130. My family is my whole life so I really dont have many friends. My best friend is a skinny mini so he doesnt need to work out. I really do need people that understand and can give me advice.
    I am working out at the apartment gym, just got an xbox with kinect so i can use that, using right size shakes, and taking lipozene, In the last week i have lost 5 pounds. I just feel goofy working out in front of the family. In fact my husband doesnt even know I go to the gym. I go early while he is sleeping and go after work since I work at the apartments as the manager.
    We have been married 18 years and I still feel goofy about stuff like this.
    I just joined so not sure how to add people. If you would like to add me please do I need help.
  • zz25
    zz25 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Callie, just click on the name of the person you want to add and there will be a button. "Add Friend". :)
  • DJN99
    DJN99 Posts: 2
    I'm too looking for support & encouragement. I have about 100 lbs to lose. So this time next year I won't feel like I have to hide my fat, since I won't have any to hide!
  • brianlsummers
    brianlsummers Posts: 7 Member
    I started at about the same place a little over a year ago, I was at 248 and I am down to just a little over 172 right now. Feel free to add me and anyone else feel free to add me too, I am on everyday and log and share usually everyday.
  • mstoddard68
    mstoddard68 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all. I weighed 231.5 lbs January 1st of this year. My goal is to lose 100 lbs. I am pre-diabetic and hypothyroid. My main goal is to get off of some of my meds and be healthier for life. :smile:
  • kuntry_navySD
    kuntry_navySD Posts: 106 Member
    i'm motivated, you can add me :)
  • Deedle7544
    Deedle7544 Posts: 185 Member
    Anyone can add me - I just turned 50 and need to lose 40 pounds. At my highest I was over 212 pounds, now I'm at 179 and still workinig on it. I am on every day.
  • montmas5
    montmas5 Posts: 1
    I have lost my motivation as well... I really want to get healthy and fit. I need encouragement! Thanks
  • gothisavi
    gothisavi Posts: 26 Member
    Always looking for more pals! feel free to add me :)
  • MrsFlint2013
    MrsFlint2013 Posts: 49 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me! I have 100+ to lose, w/ the GW being 180.
  • sismyn13
    sismyn13 Posts: 23 Member
    Just reading this thread of posts motivated me! Thanks! I started MFP in October and have lost 41 pounds so far. I have another 50 to go. I am not a big fan of exercise but I am much more active now that I have lost some weight. I have health issues related to my weight and I finally made up my mind I was done making excuses. I have not lost any weight the last 5 weeks but I have maintained. I know that I am slipping off the plan because I feel so good. I need to be motivated and encouraged to not settle and keep moving!!