New on this! looking for diet buddies?!

So yeap, as I gained over 35 kilos in just over 1 year I have decided to take it seriously and start loosing weight, not just about the image, but about health. So I began exercising and eating healthier over one month ago.

I have lost 6 kilograms(pretty much a stone) in 3 weeks in which i exercised, I consider it an achievement but still got loads of kilos to go until I get in shape. I currently weight 81.8 kilograms and my height is 1.63 cm and i would like to weight in between 50 and 56 kilos.

It can be really hard to stop eating the things you used to eat and you like, but the longer you eat healthier, the more you realize you don't need that kind of food and the easier it is to say no. To avoid desmotivation, I have been told by my doctor that is good to eat whatever you want once a week.
What i directly discarded from my diet are carbs such as pasta potato bread and rice, although I eat it a couple of times a week as my body needs it. Is anyone trying to do the same? I would like to share experiences , and find diet buddies to support and be supported.


  • I am trying to eat unprocessed foods and eat healthier in general, but it is hard being exam season (I'm in uni) but I would love to have support and support someone else :)
  • DarkskinedDiva
    DarkskinedDiva Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Ladies.

    I def understand where you ladies are coming from. I have non online/app support from my family members (i.e older sisters and little cousin) who are in the same boat on this healthy journey. I would love to be some type of support to you ladies too.